[jdp] 2009-11-15 01:42:49 UTC Here's some code for converting Textile [http://textism.com/tools/textile/]. At the moment it's reasonably reliable (I think there are a few cases which cause grief, but none come to mind), but table support is nonexistent. It doesn't generate a full document, just the part that would go between the tags. Enjoy. ====== proc parse {filename} { set datain [open $filename] set doctext [read $datain] close $datain regsub -all -- {\n{2,}} $doctext "\uFFFF" doctext set text [split $doctext \uFFFF] set out [list] set premode 0 foreach line $text { if {[regexp {
} $line]} { if {[catch {lappend out [subst $line]} e i]} { warn $e log $i log $line } continue } elseif {[regexp {
} $line]} {

                        if {[catch {lappend out [subst $line]} e i]} {

                                warn $e

                                log $i

                                log $line


                        set premode 1


                } elseif {[regexp {
} $line]} { if {[catch {lappend out [subst $line]} e i]} { warn $e log $i log $line } set premode 0 continue } elseif {$premode} { if {[catch {lappend out [subst $line]} e i]} { warn $e log $i log $line } continue } if {[regexp {^h([1-6])(.*?)\. (.*?)$} $line match level style text]} { set line "$text" } elseif {[regexp {^bq(.*?)\. (.*?)$} $line match style text]} { set line "$text" } elseif {[regexp {^fn(\d)(.*?)\. (.*?)$} $line match number style text]} { set line "

$number $text

" } elseif {[regexp {^#.*? .*$} $line match style]} { set line "
" } elseif {[regexp {^\* .*$} $line match]} { set line "" #} elseif {[regexp {^(\|.*?)+\|} $line match]} { # set line "\n$match\n
" } elseif {[regexp {^p(.*?)\. (.*?)$} $line match style text]} { set line "$text

" } else { set line "


" } regsub -all -line -- {^#(.*?) (.*?)(\n)} $line {\2\3} line regsub -all -line -- {^\*(.*?) (.*?)(\n)} $line {\2\3} line regsub -all -- {"([^\"]*?)(?:\((.*?)\))??":([[:graph:]]+)([[:space:];#%&\*\{\}\\<>\?\+]|$)} $line {\1\4} line regsub -all -- {\!([[:graph:]]+)(?:\((.*?)\))?\!:([[:graph:]]+)([[:space:]]|$)} $line {\2\4} line regsub -all -- {\!([[:graph:]]+)(?:\((.*?)\))?\!} $line {\2} line regsub -all -- {([^()])\m__([[({].*?[})\]])??(\S.*?)__\M([^()])} $line {\1\3\4} line regsub -all -- {([^()])\m_([[({].*?[})\]])??(\S.*?)_\M([^()])} $line {\1\3\4} line regsub -all -- {\*\*\m([[({].*?[})\]])??(\S.*?)\M\*\*} $line {\2} line regsub -all -- {\*\m([[({].*?[})\]])??(\S.*?)\M\*} $line {\2} line regsub -all -- {\?\?\m([[({].*?[})\]])??(\S.*?)\M\?\?} $line {\2} line regsub -all -- {-\m([[({].*?[})\]])??(\S.*?)\M-} $line {\2} line regsub -all -- {\+\m([[({].*?[})\]])??(\S.*?)\M\+} $line {\2} line regsub -all -- {\^\m([[({].*?[})\]])??(\S.*?)\M\^} $line {\2} line regsub -all -- {~\m([[({].*?[})\]])??(\S.*?)\M~} $line {\2} line regsub -all -- {%\m([[({].*?[})\]])??(\S.*?)\M%} $line {\2} line regsub -all -- {[[:graph:]]+?\((.+?)\)} $line {\1} line regsub -all -- {([[:graph:]])\[(\d+?)\]} $line {\1\2} line regsub -all -- {([[:alnum:]_])\n} $line {\1
\n} line if {[catch {lappend out [subst $line]} e i]} { warn $e log $i log $line } } return [join $out \n\n] } proc style {attrs} { set result [list] set stylelist [list] if {[regexp {\(#([[:alnum:]_]+?)\)} $attrs match id]} { lappend result " id=\"$id\"" } if {[regexp {\(([[:alnum:]_]+?)\)} $attrs match class]} { lappend result " class=\"$class\"" } if {[regexp {\(([[:alnum:]_]+?)#([[:alnum:]_]+?)\)} $attrs match class id]} { lappend result "class=\"$class\"" lappend result " id=\"$id\"" } if {[regexp {\{(.+?)\}} $attrs match style]} { lappend stylelist $style } if {[regexp {\[([[:alpha:]]+?)\]} $attrs match lang]} { lappend result " lang=\"$lang\"" } if {[regexp {^<>} $attrs]} { lappend stylelist "text-align:justify" } elseif {[regexp {^>} $attrs]} { lappend stylelist "text-align:right" } elseif {[regexp {^<} $attrs]} { lappend stylelist "text-align:left" } elseif {[regexp {^=} $attrs]} { lappend stylelist "text-align:center" } elseif {[regexp {^(\(*?)(\)*?)(?![[:alnum:]_])} $attrs match left right]} { if {[string length $left] > 0} { lappend stylelist "padding-left:[string length $left]em" } if {[string length $right] > 0} { lappend stylelist "padding-right:[string length $right]em" } } if {[llength $stylelist] > 0} { lappend result " style=\"[join $stylelist ;]\"" } return [join $result ""] } ====== <>Enter Category Here