'''The Simple Development Library''' (SimpleDevLib) is a collection of packages and utilities aimed towards assisting software development in Tcl, the great language designed by John Ousterhout, and [[incr Tcl]], the popular object oriented extension to Tcl. SimpleDevLib provides essential elements for good software engineering and/or medium to big projects development, such as a framework for regression testing, homogeneous, easily parseable, fully introspectable code organization, a type system, a framework for regression testing and object orientation. SimpleDevLib is written in pure Tcl itself, so that no compilation is needed to run it on Unix, Windows or Macintosh environments. SimpleDevLib is distributed under the BSD license. In essence, this license allows you to do whatever you want with the software provided the copyright notices are left untouched. For a thorough, but concise, introduction to The Simple Development Library, the reader is referred to The Simple Development Library white paper http://simpledevlib.sourceforge.net/SDLWhitePaper.html. For bug reports, comments, request for features or code contributions please contact the author at mailto:jgil@gmv.es. SimpleDevLib is hosted by SourceForge at http://simpledevlib.sourceforge.net. comp.lang.tcl is the Usenet group for Tcl and SimpleDevLib discussion. There is a page devoted to The Simple Development Library in the Tcl Wikit at [The Simple Development Library]. '''History of public versions''' 23-apr-2000 First public release, version 0.2 10-sep-2001 Second public release, version 0.4 17-feb-2003 Third public release, version 0.5 22-jun-2005 The Simple Development Library version 1.0 ---- [Category Package] [Category Dev. Tools]