The goal of this project is to produce the necessary language extensions to facilitate programming of GIS systems in Tcl. In particular: * Reading of files in popular GIS formats * Presenting GIS data visually * Helper procedures to zoom in/out, etc. This project introduces two new Tcl extensions, one for reading and one for displaying raster and vector geospatial data formats. Underneath, it relies on the GDAL/OGR libraries. The exact supported formats can be found at: and The maps are rendered in a Tk canvas widget that can be further manipulated on an application basis. Source code: License: GPLv3 Author: [Alexandros Stergiakis] [RLH] Screenshots? Also, Tcl projects tend towards a BSD style license. Was there a reason you chose the GPLv3? [JMN] It may be worth noting that GDAL/OGR itself is under the X11/MIT license - which is far more like the BSD license. I think it would be a shame to put a more restrictive license like the GPL as the shim between GDAL & Tcl. ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Geography] |% !!!!!!