Version 5 of Things Dutch

Updated 2004-09-27 10:50:43 by AM

GWM Waar is 't? RS: This page is for country- or language-specific features of dutch. An anomaly in case conversion is the fact that IJ is considered as one letter, so title-casing a string for Dutch could be done like this:

 proc string'totitle'nl string {
   string map {Ij IJ} [string totitle $string]
 % string'totitle'nl ijssel

AM As a Dutchman with linguistic interests and a tendency towards purism I can add the following complication:

The "ij" is officially not considered a single character when sorting, but since many people do not realise this, it is often used that way. So that sorting the following words

   izegrim, ijken, iets, waaratje, eiken, IJsselmeer, Zuiderzee, zandkasteel

gives the unexpected ordering:

   eiken, iets, izegrim, waaratje, ijken, IJsselmeer, zandkasteel, Zuiderzee

Another thing: in Dutch the sorting must ignore the case (quite unlike the American way - which has surprised me on more than one occasion)

Explanation of the inside joke: Lake IJssel (IJsselmeer) used to be a semi-enclosed little sea, called the Zuiderzee. However, as we Dutch tend to meddle with just about everything, we built a large sea dyke to keep the waves out and protect the long shoreline. This made the sea a lake.

See also Things British - Things Japanese

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