[Arjen Markus] (17 june 2004) Here is a first almost trivial example of how Tcl could be used to facilitate certain physical computations ... I hope I can make this grow into a more serious package ;) [AM] (18 june 2004) One thing that might be very useful in such a package: a short explanation of the various procedures and constants, especially if you are using it interactively. BTW, the [unit converter] is a much better way to achieve the unit conversions I haphazardly implemented here. ---- # physparam.tcl -- # Musings over the question of units in phyiscal computations # # Simple example: # Conversion of temperature to absolute temperature # In many formulas you need to specify the absolute temperature # rather than the temperature most people are used to (degrees # centigrade or the infamous degrees Fahrenheit). # Mistakes are easily made ... so include the unit in the value. # # # physics -- # Namespace for the physical computations # namespace eval ::physics { # # Add common constants etc. # namespace export abs_temperature wien_wavelength } # Conversions -- # Set of conversion procedures # proc ::physics::Conv_K_K {t} {return $t} proc ::physics::Conv_oC_K {t} {expr {$t+273.15}} proc ::physics::Conv_oF_K {t} {Conv_oC_K [Conv_oF_oC $t]} proc ::physics::Conv_oF_oC {t} {expr {5.0*$t/9.0+32.0}} # abs_temperature -- # Return the absolute temperature # # Arguments: # temp (Relative) temperature # # Result: # The temperature in kelvin (no capital, there was only one # lord Kelvin, AFAIK :) # proc ::physics::abs_temperature {temp} { if { [llength $temp] == 2 } { set temp [Conv_[lindex $temp 1]_K [lindex $temp 0]] } list $temp K } # wien_wavelength -- # Return the wave length at which a perfect black body emits most # energy, given the temperature # # Arguments: # temp (Relative) temperature # # Result: # The wave length in micrometers (um) # proc ::physics::wien_wavelength {temp} { list [expr {2898.0/[lindex [abs_temperature $temp] 0]}] um } # main -- # A simple demonstration # namespace import ::physics::* puts "20 degrees centigrade = [abs_temperature {20 oC}]" puts "50 degrees Fahrenheit = [abs_temperature {50 oF}]" puts "At 20 degrees centigrade a black body emits most energy with a wave length of [wien_wavelength {20 oC}]" ---- How does this relate to [Unit converter] and [Unit math] ? [AM] Closely - though my intentions are different than "merely" converting from one unit to another. I want to make the unit an integral part of the quantity's value. This way I can use such quantities in all kinds of simple computations (that is, computations that do not require the solution of partial differential equations and the like). Something like: I want to know the density of sea water at a given temperature and salinity - so use one of the constitutional equations that people have developed. ---- [[ [Category Physics] ]]