The purpose of this page is to catalog [Tcl extension]s believed to be safe for use in multi-threaded [Tcl application]s, along with the version numbers in which [thread-safety] was added. This list might change as the definition of "thread-safe" evolves in the Tcl community. It is important to note that pure Tcl libraries (such as anything in [tcllib]) is thread-safe. However, one should be careful when using certain libraries in tcllib that may require external libraries optionally for [speed] (such as [md5]). These should perhaps be checked to either not use the [external library] when built threaded, or verify that the external library is thread-safe. Even though a [library] may be listed as "thread-safe" here, it is likely necessary to ensure that the library was built with -D[TCL_THREADS] (usually with ./configure --[enable-threads]). * [incr Tcl] 3.2.1 * [Metakit] 2.4.0 * [Oratcl] 4.0 * [tDOM] 0.7.5 * [XOTcl] 0.9.4 * [TclBridge] * [tclvfs] 1.0 * [cgraph] 0.4 ---- Current versions of [Tclx] appear '''NOT''' to be thread-safe. In fact, the tclx readdir comand fails to return valid values whether or not tclx was compiled with the threads configuration activated. ---- Here is a list of thread-safe and not-safe libraries, at the bottom of the page. ---- Well, let me be the first to define "thread-safe": thread safe code does not fail with a segfault two times, then once with a bus error, then run for a week followed by a hardware lockup. -PSE ---- [UKo] If an extension is not (known) threadsafe, is it safe to use it in only one thread? [RFox] Maybe... maybe not. Depends on why it's not thread safe. ---- [Category Threads]