The following came from the not uncommon Question/Answer pair Q: I Want Threads A: You Have An [Event] Loop (Uwe Klein) wrote in [the comp.lang.tcl newsgroup]: Your answer says only that tcl has an event loop, but gives no explamation as to the differences / advantages. 1st Try: POLLED see if any in a list of jobs have to be done and process them. loop till dead. THREAD In a threaded program one will do each "primitive" loop of action in its own thread. thread1 { block in read ; read file ; process read ; signal whats been done } thread2 { block on user input ; process user input ; signal for crt update } thread3 { ... Where threads interact they have to be synced somehow. EVENT In [event-oriented programming] one will set up an event handler for anything that should / will happen. event1 { fileevent readable datafile { do what must be done i.e. put data into dataarray } } event2 { writing to dataarray { compute depending values } } event2a { writing to dataarray { update crt } } event3 { button EXIT { clean up and exit } event4 { ... Generated events are queued and then processed by the event loop. If all dependencies are described correctly through "trace variable" , "fileevent", "widget -command" , .. any internal/external stimulus will cascade down its described dependecies. Think of an event-looped program as something equivalent to a Makefile for your functional requirements. Caveat: if your code contains "computing monoblocs" your program becomes unresponsive. ---- [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming] ---- [Category Threads]