TimpleSQL v1.3 Was released on February 25, 2003! Downloads & Additional Info/Examples: http://www.simplifiedlogic.com/TimpleSQL/Default.htm What is TimpleSQL? TimpleSQL is a set of standalone procedures that helps the developer either quickly prepare values, or execute submission, for INSERT or UPDATE queries into a database using tclodbc. TimpleSQL only requires a standard one-dimensional Tcl Array of your input values and the target table name/array where you want to insert or update your information. TimpleSQL gathers the target table's column name/formatting requirements and, depending on your desired action, will generate the proper SQL input string based on the matching indexes in your Tcl Array. You can also Validate your submission data relative to the target table before submission (recommended). TimpleSQL can either prepare and execute the submission of the generated SQL, or you can use some lower level commands to help you generate SQL structures (e.g., SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE) for hard coding SQL in your own applications. Using TimpleSQL, you can quickly database enable standard Tcl/TK and CGI Applications for things like submission forms, polls, and shopping carts. QUICK EXAMPLE: INSERT Record into Database (uses tclodbc) ---- # Load the Pacakges package require TimpleSQL package require tclodbc # Connect to the database database db MyDatabaseName # Submission data that you create in your appliation/CGI. # - The Array Index Values are the Target Table Column Names set arr(FName) John set arr(LName) "Doe's last name" set arr(State) Anywhere set arr(ZIP) 12345 set arr(AddToMailingList) 1 set arr(submitDate) [clock format [clock seconds] -format %m/%d/%y] # Generate the Table Column Type Cross Ref Info GenTableColTypes typTbl tbl_RegistrationInfo # Validate the Submission Value Formats to the Target Table Formats # - If NOT OF - then return the errors. # - If OK - then use the TimpleSQLInsert to submit the array to the table if [catch {ValidateSubmissionData arr typTbl} err] { # Data is NOT Valid - Report Errors foreach item [join $err] { puts "ERROR: $item" } } else { # Data is Valid/Compatiable with Target Database - Insert Record TimpleSQLInsert arr typTbl } # Disconnect from the Database & Exit db disconnect exit ----