[Keith Vetter] 2009-08-31 : Here's my tk version of the venerable xdali clock [http://www.jwz.org/xdaliclock/] [http://www.jwz.org/xdaliclock/javascript/]. This was a fun little project. The original version has lots of bells and whistles, like showing the date, changing the color, controlling the time format. None of those are hard, but I got bored and just did the basics. [KPV] 2009-09-02 : Got unbored and added displaying the current date and slowly rotating background color. To display the date, click anywhere on the time display and the date will appear. To change the background color, right click anywhere on the display. Clicking again will stop the color morphing. ---- [AM] (1 September 2009) I get an error message after the digits 0 to 9 appear: can't use empty string as operand of "+". The expression is: expr {$S(lm) + $col} [KPV] I bet it's a versioning issue. I'm using [lassign] and [{*}] both of which require Tcl 8.5. I've added the appropriate package require. [AM] I am using Tcl/Tk 8.5 to run this, but even after catching this particular problem, it does not work - I now get a similar problem in _ComputeMorphingRow. Could it be font-related? An odd number of pixels on a row, rather than an even number? [stevel] I get the same problem on MacOS X running Tk Cocoa 8.6 [KPV] Aha--I think the problem is anti-aliasing. I was assuming that the bitmap of a character was just two different colors. Now I'm normalizing so every color that isn't white becomes black. [AM] That was it! It is working now :) ''[escargo] 2009 Sep 2'' - This seems to require Tcl 8.5 without saying so; is that correct? [KPV] fixed ---- [http://wiki.tcl.tk/_repo/images/daliclock.png] ---- [Jeff Smith] Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] <> <> ---- ====== ##+########################################################################## # # dali.tcl -- tk version of Dali Clock where digits morph # by Keith Vetter, Aug 2009 # package require Tcl 8.5 package require Tk package require Img set S(title) "Tk Dali Clock" set S(tformat) "%I:%M:%S" set S(dformat) "%m/%d/%y" set S(cformat) $S(tformat) set S(font) {Times 128 bold} set S(parth) 0 ;# Tweak morphing algorithm set S(steps) 10 ;# Steps for a full morph set S(pause) 500 ;# Delay between morphs (ms) set S(date,after) "" set S(date,pause) 2000 set S(go) 1 ;# Debugging way to stop time set S(lm) 0 ;# Margins set S(tm) 10 set S(clr) cyan array set CLR { steps 100 delay 20 big,delay 5000 afterId "" go 0 } proc DoDisplay {} { global S B wm title . $S(title) set cw [expr {2*$S(lm) + $S(width)}] set ccw [expr {2*$S(lm) + $S(cwidth)}] set ch [expr {2*$S(tm) + $S(height)}] foreach w {.h0 .h1 .c0 .m0 .m1 .c1 .s0 .s1} { canvas $w -width $cw -height $ch -highlightthickness 0 -bd 0 -bg $S(clr) pack $w -side left } .c0 config -width $ccw .c1 config -width $ccw Init bind all <1> ShowDate bind all <3> ToggleRotateColors } ##+########################################################################## # # Init -- Sets initial numbers for our clock # proc Init {} { global D S set ttime [clock format [clock seconds] -format $S(cformat)] foreach c {.h0 .h1 .c0 .m0 .m1 .c1 .s0 .s1} d [split $ttime {}] { if {$d eq " "} { set d S } DrawBits $c $::B($d,bits) set D($c) $d } } ##+########################################################################## # # Ticker -- The pulse beat of our clock. Gets called every second. # proc Ticker {} { global D S set ttime [clock format [clock seconds] -format $S(cformat)] foreach c {.h0 .h1 .c0 .m0 .m1 .c1 .s0 .s1} d [split $ttime {}] { if {$D($c) == $d} continue FullMorph $c $D($c) $d $S(steps) set D($c) $d } if {$S(go)} { after 1000 Ticker } } ##+########################################################################## # # ShowDate -- Shows us the date. It changes the clock format string # to the date default, then does an after to restore back to time. # proc ShowDate {} { after cancel $::S(date,after) set ::S(cformat) $::S(dformat) set ::S(date,after) [after $::S(date,pause) {set ::S(cformat) $::S(tformat)}] } ##+########################################################################## # # Pos2Cell -- Converts bit position to canvas location # proc Pos2Cell {row col} { global S set x0 [expr {$S(lm) + $col}] set y0 [expr {$S(tm) + $row}] set x1 [expr {$x0 + 1}] set y1 [expr {$y0 + 1}] return [list $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1] } ##+########################################################################## # # DrawBits -- Draws our character in a given canvas. # Format: list of row data with each row being a # list of start of ON bits followed by end of ON bits, repeated. # Example {10 15} {9 12 14 20} => two rows, first with bits # on between 10-15; second with bits on 9-12 and 14-20. # proc DrawBits {c bits} { $c delete pixels set row -1 foreach line $bits { incr row foreach {start end} $line { lassign [Pos2Cell $row $start] x0 y0 lassign [Pos2Cell $row $end] . . x1 y1 $c create line $x0 $y0 $x1 $y0 -tag pixels -fill black -width 1 } } } ##+########################################################################## # # FullMorph -- Sets up our everything to morph FROM to TO in STEPS # on canvas C # proc FullMorph {c from to steps} { set delay [expr {(1000-$::S(pause)) / $steps}] set mid [ComputeMorphing $from $to $steps] after 10 DoOneStep $c $mid 1 $steps $delay return } ##+########################################################################## # # DoOneStep -- Does next step in our morphing process # proc DoOneStep {c mid step steps delay} { set next [expr {[clock milliseconds] + $delay}] if {$step > $steps} return set bits [_MorphStep $mid $step] DrawBits $c $bits incr step if {$step > $steps} return set next [expr {max(10, $next-[clock milliseconds])}] after $next DoOneStep $c $mid $step $steps $delay } ##+########################################################################## # # _MorphStep -- generates on bits for doing this morph (mid) # at step number $step # proc _MorphStep {mid step} { global M set bits {} foreach plan $M($mid) { set line {} foreach {start0 ds end0 de} $plan { if {$start0 eq "not"} break set start [expr {round($start0 + $ds*$step)}] set end [expr {round($end0 + $de*$step)}] if {$start < $end} { lappend line $start $end } } lappend bits $line } return $bits } ##+########################################################################## # # ComputeMorphing -- Computes our morphing plan for FROM to TO # in STEPS steps # proc ComputeMorphing {from to steps} { global S B M if {[info exists M($from,$to,$steps)]} {return "$from,$to,$steps" } set all {} foreach row0 $B($from,bits) row1 $B($to,bits) { set plan [_ComputeMorphingRow $row0 $row1 $steps] lappend all $plan } set M($from,$to,$steps) $all return "$from,$to,$steps" } ##+########################################################################## # # _ComputeMorphingRow -- Computes morphing plan for one given row. # input format: run# see DrawBits # output format: startPos deltaSetp endPos deltaStep {repeated as needed} # proc _ComputeMorphingRow {run0 run1 steps} { set segs0 [expr {[llength $run0] / 2}] set segs1 [expr {[llength $run1] / 2}] set plan {} set pplan {} set steps [expr {double($steps)}] if {$segs0 == 0} { foreach {start end} $run1 { ;# Need some births lappend plan {*}[_PlanOneSegment \ $start [expr {$start-$steps/2}] \ $start $end $steps] } } elseif {$segs1 == 0} { foreach {start end} $run0 { ;# Need some deaths lappend plan {*}[_PlanOneSegment $start $end $start \ [expr {$start-$steps/2}] $steps] } } elseif {$segs0 > $segs1} { lassign [_MatchUpSegments $run0 $run1] die nearest morph lassign $die start end if {$nearest eq {} || $::S(parth)} { ;# Kill a segment set plan [_PlanOneSegment $start $end $start \ [expr {$start-$steps/2}] $steps] } else { lappend morph {*}$die {*}$nearest } foreach {start0 end0 start1 end1} $morph { set ds [expr {($start1-$start0)/$steps}] set de [expr {($end1-$end0)/$steps}] lappend plan $start0 $ds $end0 $de } } elseif {$segs0 < $segs1} { lassign [_MatchUpSegments $run1 $run0] birth nearest morph lassign $birth start end if {$nearest eq {} || $::S(parth)} { ;# Birth a segment set plan [_PlanOneSegment \ $start [expr {$start-$steps/2}] \ $start $end $steps] } else { lappend morph {*}$birth {*}$nearest } foreach {start1 end1 start0 end0} $morph { set ds [expr {($start1-$start0)/$steps}] set de [expr {($end1-$end0)/$steps}] lappend plan $start0 $ds $end0 $de } } else { foreach {start0 end0} $run0 {start1 end1} $run1 { set ds [expr {($start1-$start0)/$steps}] set de [expr {($end1-$end0)/$steps}] lappend plan $start0 $ds $end0 $de } } return $plan } proc _PlanOneSegment {start0 end0 start1 end1 steps} { set ds [expr {($start1-$start0)/double($steps)}] set de [expr {($end1-$end0)/double($steps)}] return [list $start0 $ds $end0 $de] } ##+########################################################################## # # _MatchUpSegments -- when one side of morph has less # segments than the other, this figures out which one # is orphaned and which ones match up. # proc _MatchUpSegments {run0 run1} { if {[llength $run0] != [llength $run1] + 2} { error "run0 must be one segment longer than run1" } set idx0 0 foreach {s e} $run0 { set S0($idx0) [list $s $e] incr idx0 } set idx1 0 foreach {s e} $run1 { set S1($idx1) [list $s $e] incr idx1 } set S1(-1) {} # Find the outlier segment to skip set best 99999 for {set skip 0} {$skip < $idx0} {incr skip} { set j -1 set cost 0 set pairs {} for {set i 0} {$i < $idx0} {incr i} { if {$i == $skip} continue incr j incr cost [_ComputeDistance $S0($i) $S1($j)] lappend pairs {*}$S0($i) {*}$S1($j) } if {$cost < $best} { set best $cost set who [list $S0($skip) {} $pairs] set skipped $skip } } set best 99999 set nearest -1 for {set j 0} {$j < $idx1} {incr j} { set cost [_ComputeDistance $S0($skipped) $S1($j)] if {$cost < $best} { set best $cost set nearest $j } } lset who 1 $S1($nearest) return $who } ##+########################################################################## # # _ComputeDistance -- Returns how far apart two segments are # proc _ComputeDistance {seg0 seg1} { foreach {s0 e0} $seg0 {s1 e1} $seg1 break if {$s0 > $e1} { return [expr {$s0-$e1}] } if {$e0 < $s1} { return [expr {$s1-$e0}] } return 0 } ################################################################ # # Extract font bit info from a given font # proc GetAllBits {font} { global S B set S(width) 0 foreach char {/ : S 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9} { _GetBitsOneChar "" $font $char set S(width) [expr {max($S(width), $B($char,width))}] } _TrimChars set S(cwidth) $B(:,width) } ##+########################################################################## # # _GetBitsOneChar -- Returns on bits for a given character in a given font. # Uses Img to capture the image of a widget # proc _GetBitsOneChar {top font char} { global B destroy $top.l label $top.l -text [expr {$char eq "S" ? " " : $char}] -font $font -bg white pack $top.l update image create photo ::img::bits -data $top.l set h [image height ::img::bits] set w [image width ::img::bits] set all {} for {set row 0} {$row < $h} {incr row} { set lastBit \#ffffff set startStop {} set bits [::img::bits data -from 0 $row $w [expr {$row+1}]] set bits [concat [lindex $bits 0] \#ffffff] set col -1 foreach bit $bits { incr col if {$bit ne "\#ffffff"} { set bit "\#000000" } ;# Anti-aliasing if {$lastBit ne $bit} { lappend startStop [expr {$lastBit == 0 ? $col : $col-1}] set lastBit $bit } } lappend all $startStop } set B($char,bits) $all set B($char,width) $w set B($char,height) $h destroy $top.l } ##+########################################################################## # # _TrimChars -- Removes excess blank lines at top and bottom # proc _TrimChars {} { global B S set top 9999 set bottom 9999 foreach arr [array names B *,bits] { set thisTop [lsearch -not $B($arr) {}] set top [expr {min($top,$thisTop)}] set thisBottom [lsearch -not [lreverse $B($arr)] {}] set bottom [expr {min($bottom,$thisBottom)}] } foreach arr [array names B *,bits] { set B($arr) [lrange $B($arr) $top end-$bottom] set char [lindex [split $arr ","] 0] set B($char,height) [llength $B($arr)] } set S(height) $B(0,height) } ##+########################################################################## # # ToggleRotateColors -- Turns on and off rotating background colors # proc ToggleRotateColors {} { global CLR after cancel $CLR(afterId) set CLR(go) [expr {! $CLR(go)}] RotateColors } ##+########################################################################## # # RotateColors -- Determines next color and spawns $CLR(steps) # after calls to slowly change to that color. It then reschedules # itself to repeat again. # proc RotateColors {} { global CLR after cancel $CLR(afterId) if {! $CLR(go)} return set current [.h0 cget -bg] set next [LightColor] foreach var {red0 green0 blue0} value [winfo rgb . $current] { set $var [expr {$value/256}] } foreach var {red1 green1 blue1} value [winfo rgb . $next] { set $var [expr {$value/256}] } set dred [expr {$red1 - $red0}] set dgreen [expr {$green1 - $green0}] set dblue [expr {$blue1 - $blue0}] for {set i 0} {$i < $CLR(steps)} {incr i} { set red [expr {int($red0 + $dred/double($CLR(steps)) * $i)}] set green [expr {int($green0 + $dgreen/double($CLR(steps)) * $i)}] set blue [expr {int($blue0 + $dblue/double($CLR(steps)) * $i)}] set clr [format "\#%02x%02x%02x" $red $green $blue] set aid [after [expr {($i+1) * $CLR(delay)}] [list SetColor $clr]] #puts "$aid => [after info $aid]" } set CLR(afterId) [after $CLR(big,delay) RotateColors] } ##+########################################################################## # # SetColor -- Updates the color of all our widgets # proc SetColor {clr} { foreach w [winfo child .] { $w config -background $clr } } ##+########################################################################## # # LightColor -- returns a "light" color. A light color is one in # which the V value in the HSV color model is greater than .7. Since # the V value is simply the maximum of R,G,B we simply need at least # one of R,G,B must be greater than .7. # proc LightColor {} { set light [expr {255 * .7}] ;# Value threshold while {1} { set r [expr {int (255 * rand())}] set g [expr {int (255 * rand())}] set b [expr {int (255 * rand())}] if {$r > $light || $g > $light || $b > $light} break } return [format "\#%02x%02x%02x" $r $g $b] } ################################################################ GetAllBits $S(font) DoDisplay Ticker #RotateColors return ====== <>Category Graphics | Category Application