Bill Poser 2005-08-12: Although tcl has a general mechanism for internationalization, the [msgcat] package, some Tk widgets are not internationalized. I recently encountered this problem with [tk_optionMenu]. The problem is that the labels on radiobuttons are the same as the values, which in many cases forces the use of English names since the values must be meaningful to other functions. Here's an internationalized version of tk_optionMenu: ---- proc OptionMenu {w varName firstValue args} { upvar #0 $varName var if {![info exists var]} { set var $firstValue } menubutton $w -text [::msgcat::mc $firstValue] -indicatoron 1 -menu $ \ -relief raised -bd 2 -highlightthickness 2 -anchor c \ -direction flush menu $ -tearoff 0 $ add radiobutton -label [::msgcat::mc $firstValue] -variable $varName \ -value $firstValue -command "UpdateOptionMenuLabel $w $varName" foreach i $args { $ add radiobutton -label [::msgcat::mc $i] -variable $varName \ -value $i -command "UpdateOptionMenuLabel $w $varName" } return $ } proc UpdateOptionMenuLabel {w v} { upvar #0 $v x $w configure -text [::msgcat::mc $x] } ---- [Category GUI] - [Category String Processing]