Application to provide a GUI local desktop interface to the Tcler's Wiki chat application. ---- See also [Tclers Chat Tk GUI], [Improving Tcl Chat], and [tclapps], which is a module in the [tcllib] project at [SourceForge]. [LV]: Anyone know if the [scripted document] version of tkchat updates itself from the sourceforge [cvs] repository appropriately? SCL: If it's the one I put together - no. [JCW]: Then again, anyone with a TclKit executable can do this, or automate it... * keep tclkit and sdx somewhere on your path * keep a tkchat.vfs unpacked on disk * do a "cvs up" inside, so the scripts get updated * wrap it up with "sdx fs2sd tkchat" Note that sdx already skips CVS dirs when wrapping things up. ''(This is one more case which could benefit from some of the self-update plans that were started for use in [kitten])'' ---- As of March 15, 2002, tkchat now converts some ASCII [emoticons] into images. ---- A version during September, 2002, prototypes an instream "[world-wide whiteboard]", which, unfortunately, makes the real chatroom really noisy for people not using tkchat. Hopefully someone will convert that support into support for one of the Tcl/Tk whiteboard programs like [Coccinella], [CVW], [Infocetera], the Netscape Tclet written by Mark Roseman, [VAD], or [xstatus]. ---- [Category Application]