'''TkLauncher''' is a simple desktop launcher for [Linux] mainly for the [window manager] that emulates the AmigaOS GUI, [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amiwm%|%Amiwm]. It is very similar to AmiDock, the dock of AmigaOS. More info: http://web.tiscali.it/paskali80/tklauncher.htm ** Screenshot ** [TkLauncher screenshot] ** Discussion ** [dbohdan] 2015-11-30: Neat stuff. Do you have a public code repository with the code somewhere? Free webhosting is notoriously flakey; if you put the code on [GitHub], [BitBucket] or [Chisel] that would ensure it remains available. It would also make it easier for others to submit patches (e.g., for [Tcl 8.6] support). ** See also ** * [Desktop Environment] <> Desktop | GUI