|What:| [tkMOO-light]| | Where:| http://www.cm.cf.ac.uk/User/Andrew.Wilson/tkMOO-light/ <
> http://www.cm.cf.ac.uk/User/Andrew.Wilson/tkMOO-light/Source/ | | Description:| Advanced chat client suitable for use with MUD and MOO systems. Runs on Unix, Windows 95/98/NT and Macintosh platforms. Macintosh version is a single file download which doesn't require a separate install of tcl/tk.| || Latest version is v0.3.29 .| | Updated:| 05/1999| | Contact:| mailto:andrew.wilson@cm.cf.ac.uk (Andrew Wilson)| ---- [LV] anyone know about other versions of this? ''Google points to http://www.awns.com/tkMOO-light/'' ---- |What:| tkMOO-SE| | Where:| http://tkmoo-se.sourceforge.net/ <
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/tkmoo-se | | Description:| the same as tkmoo-lite but new and improved features now has more mcp support and is still suitable for Unix, Windows 95/98/NT/XP and Macintosh platforms. Does not need a seperate install of tcl/tk for windows platforms| || Latest version is v0.2| | Updated:| 03/2005| | Contact:| mailto:splinter98@gmail.com (Stephen Alderman)| ---- Here is info on tkmoo-se - please contact me for any ideas and improvements (Stephen) <> Application | Internet