Version 2 of Tkcon Remote Access over TCP Sockets

Updated 2005-09-12 10:27:23 by rmax

Reinhard Max - 2005-09-12

This piece of code can be added to any Tcl application to allow remote access from tkcon (or even via telnet or netcat). To open the debugging socket, call

 tkconclient::start ?port? ?myaddr?

Default values for port and myaddr are 9876 and localhost respectively. If the remote access capability isn't needed anymore, the server socket can be shut down again with


There is currently no access control to the socket!, so care must be taken, especially when opening debugging connections on a publically accessible interface.

 namespace eval tkconclient {
    variable script ""
    variable server ""
    variable socket ""
    namespace export start stop
    proc start {{port 9876} {myaddr}} {
        variable socket
        if {$socket ne ""} stop
        set server [socket -server [namespace current]::accept \
                        -myaddr $myaddr $port]
        rename ::puts [namespace current]::puts
        interp alias {} ::puts {} [namespace current]::_puts
    proc stop {} {
        variable server
        if {$server ne ""} {
            close $socket
            rename [namespace current]::puts ::puts
    proc accept {sock host port} {
        variable socket
        set socket $sock
        fconfigure $sock -blocking 0 -buffering none
        fileevent $sock readable [namespace current]::handle
    proc handle {} {
        variable script
        variable socket
        append script [read $socket]
        if {[info complete $script]} {
            catch {uplevel "#0" $script} result
            if {$result ne ""} {
                puts $socket $result
            set script ""
    ## This proc is partially borrowed from tkcon
    proc _puts args {
        variable socket
        set len [llength $args]
        foreach {arg1 arg2 arg3} $args { break }

        switch $len {
            1 {
                puts $socket $arg1
            2 {
                switch -- $arg1 {
                    -nonewline - stdout - stderr {
                        puts $socket $arg2
                    default {
                        set len 0
            3 {
                if {$arg1 eq "-nonewline" &&
                    ($arg2 eq "stdout" || $arg2 eq "stderr")} {
                    puts $socket $arg3
                } elseif {($arg1 eq "stdout" || $arg1 eq "stderr") \
                              && $arg3 eq "-nonewline"} {
                    puts $socket $arg2
                } else {
                    set len 0
            default {
                set len 0
        ## $len == 0 means it wasn't handled above.
        if {$len == 0} {
            global errorCode errorInfo
            if {[catch [linsert $args 0 puts] msg]} {
                regsub tkcon_tcl_puts $msg puts msg
                regsub -all tkcon_tcl_puts $errorInfo puts errorInfo
                return -code error $msg
            return $msg