Purpose: to describe the tkcon application and the special features that make it a worth the moments it takes to download. ---- TkCon provides a console for interacting with [Tcl]. This console has an input history, the ability to help loading packages, ability to attach to running [Tk] applications (if on a system which supports Tk's [send] command), [[someone add more about the observe and idebug commands in tkcon]] What: TkCon Where: http://tkcon.sourceforge.net/ http://www.purl.org/net/hobbs/tcl/script/tkcon/ http://www.purl.org/net/hobbs/tcl/script/widget/ Description: A Tcl/Tk source standard console. It not only is a replacement for the one that comes with Tk on Windows and Macintosh, but can also be used under Unix. Provides command history, path/proc/variable name expansion, multiple interpreter consoles, captures stdout and stderr, character and proc highlighting, history searching, copy/paste between consoles, communicate with other tk interpreters, supports dynamically loadable extensions, electric character and proc highlighting. Latest version supports attaching to itcl/Tcl 8 namespaces. Regular updates occur - check pack on the WWW page for announcements. Requires Tcl/Tk 8.0+ . Currently version 2.2 . At the widget URL find a fully widgetised version of TkCon. Updated: 10/2001 Contact: mailto:jeff@hobbs.org (Jeffrey Hobbs) ---- [FPX]: In search of a console that I can pop up for interactive debugging, I looked at tkcon and found out that the following code does what I wanted to accomplish: namespace eval tkcon {} set tkcon::PRIV(showOnStartup) 0 set tkcon::PRIV(root) .tkcon set tkcon::OPT(exec) "" source tkcon.tcl I can now make the tkcon console show up and hide with tkcon show tkcon hide respectively, and interact with the main interpreter. (some minutes later): I have submitted a patch [http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=527338&group_id=11462&atid=111462] to sourceforge that makes tkcon into a package. With that patch, I can do package require tkcon tkcon show tkcon hide ---- [stevel]: tkcon packaged as a [starkit] can be found at http://mini.net/sdarchive/tkcon.bin. The tkcon "Help/Retrieve latest version" option will update the starkit with the latest CVS version of tkcon.tcl. [LV] Steve, the code for retrieve latest version would be useful to turn into a proc that became part of tclkit's std environment, so that all starkits might do that. Or at least, all the ones at sf.net... ---- [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming] ---- [[How to debug with tkcon: explain idebug, observe, "hot errors", and state introspection.]] ---- [Category Application]