The easiest way to get a copy of [tklib] is to pick up one of the [Batteries Included] distributions that include it - something, say, like [ActiveTcl]. Or perhaps see if you can locate a tklib [starkit] . Otherwise, you have to get a copy of the tklib distribution. It is available via CVS from and its CVS repository [[someone needs to insert the specific cvs steps here]]. Or, you can download the nightly cvs snapshot of tklib from [[enter activestate tcl ftp url here]]. It doesn't appear that a formal release of the software is available for download yet. ---- After you have have the source, then use the appropriate command to extract the directory structure from the archive file. ---- At this point, the extension is treated similarly to any of the [TEA] script based extensions. $ cd tklib-{directory} $ ./configure --various --flags --as --appropriate $ make all test install ---- [Category GUI] | [Category tklib]