Hi, I have been using Tcl on and off since 1995. I can be reached via email at '''todd''' ''at'' '''maplefish''' ''dot'' '''com''' Here is my programming language progression(1987 to May 2006): ''C/Unix -> C/Unix & Forth -> C/Unix -> Clipper -> C/Unix -> Awk & C -> Perl & C -> Tcl & C -> C++ -> Java & Tcl -> Python -> C/Unix -> Tcl -> Visual C++ & Tcl -> Tcl -> C++/Unix & Tcl -> Visual C++ & Tcl (for test tools) -> Standard ML -> Tcl -> Perl & C -> Mozart/Oz (sort of) -> Perl/PDQ -> Tcl'' '''-> gawk -> ksh93 -> Tcl''' ------ Tcl can play a part in analyzing computer systems performance: [PDQ with Tcl]. Working on [EFX Content Management System]. I am looking for a good minimal (wish based debugger). [Wdebug] is a 200 line late-night (unfinished) attempt at a such a beast. Do you have [List Comprehension] envy? When is a wiki code snippet too big to be a wiki code snippet (and should be placed elsewhere?). I dunno, try [Config File Parser]. I'm discovering the joys of [PostgreSQL] after MySQL pains. Here is a stab at emulating [Closures] in Tcl. Tcl/Java/Jython/C -- oh my! [TclBlend Roux] I like [Jython] quite a bit, but its a ''higher-level language'' (alternative) to Java, not a Java scripting language. If I have to start using Java again, I need to collect some [TclJava Tricks]. Paul Graham reject my solution to [Accumulator Generators]. [Tcl vs CplusPlus] is a pointless rant. Or is it? [Street Programming] is what makes Tcl so special. Pondering a [Macro Facility for Tcl]. [Iterator using Closures] is for the twisted. [Tuplespace] [Tuplespace] [Tuplespace] -- this is way too much fun. The [Bob the Builder] song... can't get it out of my head (help me). A slight diversion: [Mancala]. [Company: Re-route Inc.] has been acquired. I have moved on... Experimenting with making Tcl safer (type safer) with [Eiffel-like Invariants] -------- 09/10/03 It's been a while since I've posted here. Been living in the land of Perl for a while. I really should capture some comparative thoughts here. Like... [POE] is Tcl? Also [Random Musings on Tcl vs Perl Network Programming] [Life is too short for syntax] [Factorial Using Event Loop] [ASCII Mandelbrot] ** Non-Tcl Projects ** [Almost Free Text]: a document preparation system written in [Perl] ** Internet Presence ** [http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?ToddCoram%|%c2]: <> Person