**Introduction** '''Ttk''' is the [Tile] extension integrated into [Tk] as approved in [TIP] #248 [http://tip.tcl.tk/248]. See http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.5/TkCmd/ttk_intro.htm as well as other Ttk widget pages that can be found at http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.5/TkCmd/contents.htm . Widget pages on wiki: * [ttk::button] * [ttk::checkbutton] * [ttk::combobox] * [ttk::entry] * [ttk::frame] * [ttk::label] * [ttk::labelframe] * [ttk::menubutton] * [ttk::notebook] * [ttk::panedwindow] * [ttk::progressbar] * [ttk::radiobutton] * [ttk::scale] * [ttk::scrollbar] * [ttk::separator] * [ttk::sizegrip] * [ttk::spinbox] * [ttk::treeview] Themes etc.: * [ttk::style] ** [ttk_image] * [ttk::theme::alt] * [ttk::theme::clam] * [ttk::theme::classic] * [ttk::theme::default] * [ttk_vsapi] * [ttk::setTheme] * [ttk::themes] This page details the transition from the existing [Tile] extension to '''Ttk''' functionality inside the [Tk] source base. There is no special '''Ttk''' package in Tk. It is simply part of Tk 8.5a6+ and will not be made a separate binary library. It will use the '''ttk::''' namespace for the most part, sharing the '''tk::''' namespace and toplevel commands where appropriate. The classic [Tk] widgets will all be referenceable from the '''tk::''' namespace, in addition to remaining as toplevel commands (''for 8.x at least''). See also [http://tktable.sourceforge.net/tile/doc/internals.txt] [JE] Also: it's worth considering removing some or all of tk/generic/tkStyle.c (TIP#48 support) ---- **Questions** [LV] 2007 Nov 01 Bottom line question - if someone wants (or needs) to use a ttk [widget], what do they need to do to begin. Would someone who is familar with ttk be willing to write a step by step example of moving a relatively simple application from being an original Tk widget application to an application using Tk and Ttk? ---- 0.7.8 tile source base => Tk source base integration (completed 2006-10-30) tile: => tk aclocal.m4 => ''n/a'' ChangeLog => ''n/a'' configure* => ''n/a'' configure.in => ''n/a'' demos/ => library/demos/... (''partial'') doc/ => doc/ttk_* generic/ => generic/ttk/... library/ => library/ttk/... license.terms => ''n/a'' macosx/ => macosx/... Makefile.in => ''n/a'' README.txt => ''n/a'' tclconfig/ => ''n/a'' tests/ => tests/ttk/... tools/ => ''n/a'' win/ => win/... tile/demos: => tk/library/demos/... autocomplete.tcl => ''n/a'' demo.tcl => ttk_demo.tcl dirbrowser.tcl => ''n/a'' dlgtest.tcl => ''n/a'' iconlib.tcl => ttk_iconlib.tcl repeater.tcl => ttk_repeater.tcl themes/ => ''n/a'' toolbutton.tcl => ''n/a'' tile/demos/themes: => ''n/a'' tile/doc: => tk/doc/... Doc files translated to ttk_* with a few exceptions: converting.txt => ''n/a'' Makefile => ''n/a'' man.macros => ''n/a'' paned.n => ttk_panedwindow.n tile-intro.n => ttk_intro.n TILE.XML => ''n/a'' tmml.options => ''n/a'' tile/generic: => tk/generic/ttk/... altTheme.c => ttkDefaultTheme.c blink.c => ttkBlink.c button.c => ttkButton.c cache.c => ttkCache.c clamTheme.c => ttkClamTheme.c classicTheme.c => ttkClassicTheme.c configure* => ''n/a'' configure.in => ''n/a'' entry.c => ttkEntry.c frame.c => ttkFrame.c gunk.h => ''n/a'' image.c => ttkImage.c label.c => ttkLabel.c layout.c => ttkLayout.c Makefile.in => ''n/a'' manager.c => ttkManager.c manager.h => ttkManager.h notebook.c => ttkNotebook.c paned.c => ttkPanedwindow.c pkgIndex.tcl.in => ''n/a'' progress.c => ttkProgress.c scale.c => ttkScale.c scrollbar.c => ttkScrollbar.c scroll.c => ttkScroll.c separator.c => ttkSeparator.c square.c => ttkSquare.c stepTheme.c => ''n/a'' tile.c => ttkInit.c tkElements.c => ttkElements.c tkstate.c => ttkState.c tkTheme.c => ttkTheme.c tkTheme.h => ttkTheme.h tkThemeInt.h => ttkThemeInt.h TODO => ''n/a'' trace.c => ttkTrace.c track.c => ttkTrack.c treeview.c => ttkTreeview.c ttk.decls => ttk.decls ttkDecls.h => ttkDecls.h ttkStubInit.c => ttkStubInit.c ttkStubLib.c => ttkStubLib.c widget.c => ttkWidget.c widget.h => ttkWidget.h tile/library: => tk/library/ttk/... File names remained the same with these exceptions: paned.tcl => panedwindow.tcl stepTheme.tcl => ''n/a'' tile.tcl => ttk.tcl tile/macosx: => tk/macosx/... aquaTheme.c => ttkMacOSXTheme.c tile/tclconfig: => ''n/a'' [JE] The *.tcl files in tile/tests (except for all.tcl) are mostly small interactive tests that I used during development. There's no real need to import them into the Tk CVS repository. tile/tests: => tk/tests/ttk/... The *.tcl files were removed, other files were moved to the above directory tile/tools: => tk/tools genStubs.tcl => ''n/a'' Not included yet, needed for Ttk stubs library tile/win: => tk/win makefile.vc => ''n/a'' monitor.c => ttkWinMonitor.c nmakehlp.c => ''n/a'' rules.vc => ''n/a'' Tile.dsp => ''n/a'' winTheme.c => ttkWinTheme.c xpTheme.c => ttkWinXPTheme.c ---- [KJN] Is it intended to supply any demos with Tk 8.5? I'm looking for the demos in 8.5b1, and I can't find them in the locations mentioned above: tile/demos: => tk/library/demos/... demo.tcl => ttk_demo.tcl iconlib.tcl => ttk_iconlib.tcl repeater.tcl => ttk_repeater.tcl [JH] The tile demo was designed more as a comparison view for core developers to understand theming. What we need in 8.5 is straight new demos that update the regular demos with fully themed widgets. This is something that we really need to work on for 8.5.0 (and ongoing). ---- http://www.tkdocs.com/ has begun publishing a series of articles that introduce the reader to [tcl] and ttk. ---- http://code.google.com/p/python-ttk/ is a [Python] package for ttk themed widgets. ---- <> 2011-03-04 Wojciech Kocjan answered on clt about custom background color. [HaO] Here is the clt post [http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.tcl/browse_thread/thread/e820331e1cc00c5d/8bca63d5f4b672f1#8bca63d5f4b672f1] to not loose it. Someone may put it at a better place and format it. === > 1) background color > Why do some themes don't allow to change the background color. My > application uses three different backgrounds depending on state: > warning, error, active. Consider 'warning' when the entered value is > near some limit, error if its out of limit, active if its currently > processed. > I considers this flaw as a no-go. Yes and no. I agree it is silly you can't just specify background, especially if you'd use "background" element. I think it's OSX's theme's fault since you can do that on any platform except for OSX. I remember seeing some However, you can easily work around this - I needed a white frame/ label/checkbutton and native frame/label/checkbutton. So, I created this: === ===== image create photo image_osxWhite -width 16 -height 16 image_osxWhite put \#ffffff -to 0 0 16 16 ttk::style element create OSXWhiteBackground image image_osxBlank16 \ -border {6 6 6 6} -padding {0} -sticky news # (although I don't think -border is needed, not sure) ttk::style layout OSXWhiteFrame { OSXWhiteWidget.background } ttk::style layout OSXWhiteLabel { OSXWhiteWidget.background -children { OSXWhiteLabel.label } } ===== === Again, I do agree here that if someone sets -background, it should be doable. But I found ttk layouts VERY useful - for example if you want to just grab the highlighted frame OSX gives you, you can do: === ===== ttk::style layout OSXHighlightedFrame { Entry.field } bind OSXHighlightedFrame {%W state focus} bind OSXHighlightedFrame {%W state !focus} ===== === And then for the widget: === ===== $path configure -style OSXHighlightedFrame -padding {4 4} bindtags $path [linsert [bindtags $path] 0 OSXHighlightedFrame] ===== === I create an empty frame for non-OSX, a highlighted frame for OSX and you can just put widgets in there (like text that doesn't have native frames) - and they get OSX native frame for free :-) So, while this particular thing is missing, ttk gives you enough tools to work around it. I think the worse thing is lack of introspection - if you want to "mimic" ttk::checkbutton's default layout, you need to look in OSX source code and TTK_BEGIN_LAYOUT to get the thing done right. But, again, I think the advantages overwhelm the problems you can find with ttk - if you fight such things, my recommendation is to learn ttk elements, layouts etc. === <> <> 2011-03-14 Emiliano posted this code on clt to have a Ttk frame around a Tk widget [HaO] clt thread: [http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.tcl/browse_thread/thread/a188a6d7949bfa69/6603526e4d7b0057#6603526e4d7b0057] This is the code I've been using to wrap Tk widgets inside a Ttk border. ====== # ================================================================= package require Tcl 8.5 package require Tk namespace eval ::ttk { bind Wrapframe {%W#border state focus} bind Wrapframe {%W#border state !focus} } # wraps a plain Tk widget inside a ttk frame proc ::ttk::WrapWidget {class path args} { # handle the args set args [dict replace $args \ -background white \ -borderwidth 0 \ -highlightthickness 0] set args [dict remove $args -bg -bd] # real widget set rw $path.$class # create the container frame and the widget frame $path -style TEntry -class Wrapframe ::$class $rw {*}$args bindtags $rw [list $path $rw [string totitle $class] [winfo toplevel $path] all] # rename the container widget cmd and install # a proxy cmd to the real one rename ::$path ::${path}#border interp alias {} $path {} ::ttk::WrapProxy $rw pack $rw -expand 1 -fill both -padx 2 -pady 2 # adjust the select{fore|back}ground with the theme bind $rw <> [list apply {rw { set sb [ttk::style configure . -selectbackground] set sf [ttk::style configure . -selectforeground] $rw configure -selectbackground $sb $rw configure -selectforeground $sf }} $rw] after idle [list after 0 [list \ event generate $rw <>]] return $path } proc ::ttk::WrapProxy {w args} { # prevent the border window to take focus if {[lindex $args 0] eq "cget" && [lindex $args 1] eq "-takefocus"} { return 0 } $w {*}$args } interp alias {} ::ttk::text {} ::ttk::WrapWidget text interp alias {} ::ttk::listbox {} ::ttk::WrapWidget listbox interp alias {} ::ttk::canvas {} ::ttk::WrapWidget canvas # demo pack [ttk::text .t -width 20 -height 4] -padx 6 -pady 6 pack [ttk::entry .e -width 20] -padx 6 -pady 6 after 2000 {ttk::setTheme clam} # ================================================================= ====== <> <> 2011-03-13 Pat Thoyts on the core list about Ttk widget creation. [HaO] For me, this was very valuable so I have put it here. Feel free to delete, format or move to another place. === One of the original intents of 'tile' was to make it simpler to create Tk widgets. There's quite a lot of tedious boilerplate in Tk widget creation. See http://tktable.sourceforge.net/tile/WidgetGuide.html for something about this. However, when 'tile' got integrated the necessary functions were not exposed as part of the tk stubs and its currently somewhat hidden. Related to this -- to construct new UI's using elements you need a reasonably general purpose element engine. I one toyed with using GDI+ so I could specify an element with, for instance, a certain gradient or shape. Working with this leads to the obvious conclusion that it would be great to be able to specify the look of an element using something like SVG. (See http://tktable.sourceforge.net/tile/Gdiplus.html and http://www.patthoyts.tk/gitweb.cgi?p=gdiplus;a=summary) There might be more involved in making the widget functionality easy to hook together but this would cover the look part of look and feel. Events mostly deal with 'feel'. === <> <> 2011-03-18 Pat Thoyts on clt how to get a ttk entry with controlable background in xp theme [HaO] clt thread [http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.tcl/browse_thread/thread/4666e216b4c509dc/d7cbb7cf35e5de58#d7cbb7cf35e5de58] === >Does the vista theme, support changing the background color? >I'm asking because i'm using this piece of code >ttk::style map TEntry -fieldbackground [list focus yellow] >which doesn't seem to be working. The XP theme field element is drawn by the native XP themeing engine so you don't get to pick and choose - the user gets what she expects from the theme she has chosen for Windows (be it blue, green, silver or Zune) To override this you need to replace the field element with one that you can control more directly. You can do this by cloning the corresponding element from one of the other themes (default will work) and configuring it appropriately. The downside in this case is that the field is handling the border style for the entry widget so you will get control of the background but you loose control of the border. Maybe you can work around that -- you can use the vsapi engine to create any XP theming element you want and try to wrap that around the new background. Anyway - an example: === ====== # Sample of an overridden Entry widget which has an alternative # background element that may be set to a given colour. # Note that the colour is part of the style - not part of the widget data # so all Plain.Entry widgets will use the same background colours. # package require Tk 8.5 proc PlainEntryInit {} { catch { # Import the 'default' theme field element. ttk::style element create plain.field from default } # Create a new style using the imported element. ttk::style layout Plain.Entry { Plain.Entry.plain.field -sticky nswe -border 1 -children { Plain.Entry.padding -sticky nswe -children { Plain.Entry.textarea -sticky nswe } } } # Configure the colour and padding for our new style. ttk::style configure Plain.Entry {*}[ttk::style configure TEntry] \ -fieldbackground LightSteelBlue -cursor hand2 ttk::style map Plain.Entry {*}[ttk::style map TEntry] \ -fieldbackground {!focus SteelBlue} # Re-do if the user changes theme. if {[lsearch -exact [bind . <>] PlainEntryInit] == -1} { bind . <> +PlainEntryInit } } # Create a dialog to demonstrate the plain entry widget style proc Test {dlg} { variable e "Plain.Entry widget" variable e2 "normal widget" wm title $dlg "Plain entry test" ttk::entry $dlg.e -style Plain.Entry -textvariable ::e ttk::entry $dlg.e2 -textvariable ::e2 grid $dlg.e -pady 2 -padx 2 grid $dlg.e2 -pady 2 -padx 2 bind $dlg {console show} return $dlg } if {!$tcl_interactive} { PlainEntryInit if {![winfo exists .plainentry]} { wm withdraw . set dlg [Test [toplevel .plainentry -class Dialog]] tkwait window $dlg exit } } ====== <> ---- !!!!!! %|[Category GUI]|[Category Package]|[Category Widget]|% !!!!!!