by [Reinhard Max] There is not much error checking yet, but it already works for me. It is only useful within networks that don't allow direct access to IRC, but have a proxy that allows [HTTP 1.1%|%HTTP/1.1] CONNECTs to the outside. CONNECT might be restricted to certain ports such as 443 ([HTTPS]). In that case you can only connect to IRC servers that listen on a port that is allowed by your local proxy. Please fill in the name and port number of your proxy server and set up your IRC client to connect to port 6667 of the machine this proxy is running on. [PT] 2003-07-21: See also [SSL Tunnel] for a version that supports an authenticating web proxy server. ---- '''These settings are only examples.''' '''There is no need to 'fix' this page by adding your local settings''' '''====== THIS MEANS YOU ! ====''' ====== set useproxy 1 set proxyserver set proxyport 3128 set ircserver set ircport 443 set localport 6667 proc server {sock host port} { puts "connection from $host $port on $sock" if {$::useproxy} { set irc [socket $::proxyserver $::proxyport] puts $irc "CONNECT $::ircserver:$::ircport HTTP/1.1" puts $irc "Host: $::ircserver" puts $irc {} flush $irc while {[gets $irc line] > -1 && $line ne {}} { puts $line } if {[eof $irc]} { close $irc close $sock return } } else { set irc [socket $::ircserver $::ircport] } fconfigure $sock -blocking no -buffering none -translation binary fconfigure $irc -blocking no -buffering none -translation binary fileevent $sock readable [list proxy $sock $irc ] fileevent $irc readable [list proxy $irc $sock] } proc proxy {sock1 sock2} { puts -nonewline $sock2 [read $sock1] if {[eof $sock1]} { puts "closing $sock1 $sock2" close $sock1 close $sock2 } return } proc main {} { set server [socket -server server -myaddr $::localport] vwait ::forever } main ====== <> Internet | IRC | HTTP | Networking | tunnel