[EF] For the time being, this is only an idea. However, I think that it could become a [Tcl]/[Tk] killer application if done well. Now, to the idea. Portable applications have had a lot of press coverage in the past few years. [USB] sticks are commonplace, cheap and people tend to carry a lot of them. When you do, it is very tempting to carry a number of applications together with your data. These are a time saver when moving from one machine to the next, and especially since computers are omnipresent. However, for the time being, you are restricted to either restrict yourself to a given operating system to host these applications, either host a virtual machine together with the applications. The first solution is frustrating now that [Linux] and MacOSX are getting more and more widespread. The second solution is desperately slow. And this is where Tcl could come to the rescue. We have [starkit]s and implementation of [tclkit] for all platforms. So portable applications, "à la" Tcl would simply a matter of running a given [starkit] with the appropriate [tclkit]. On [Microsoft Windows], most portable apps installation also provide a tray menu. This is also something that [Tcl] would be able to do in a portable manner, on all platforms. What do you think? [Category Application] would be a good starting point for knowing what to put into such a distribution. We only need a start menu and some auto-magic to initialize on all platforms. ''[escargo] 25 Oct 2007'' - I think it is an interesting idea. What popped into my mind when I thought about it is something like a portable implementation of HyperCard [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HyperCard]. We have the layout engine, the scripting language, and a choice of underlying data bases ([metakit] and [SQLite]). There are various notebook applications to build on. (I also just discovered PythonCard [http://pythoncard.sourceforge.net/], appears to have similar goals.) [LV] Check out [Puppy Linux], where size is a driving factor. It makes use of a number of Tcl applications; that might be a good source of applications to consider. ---- [Category Discussion]