I recently bought a Raspberry Pi 3 with Raspbian NOOB preconfigured on an SD card. I had the need to install the TLS extension. It was suggested in comp.lang.tcl to use [Undroidwish]. Below are the steps I took to build [Undroidwish] (there was a bit of trial and error but I hope I didn't miss something!). First upgrade you Raspbian NOOB with sudo apt-get install upgrade sudo apt-get install dist-upgrade With advice from [CHW], I installed the following packages with sudo apt-get install bc libx11-dev libusb-dev libudev-dev freeglut3-dev librsvg2-dev libdbus-1-dev libaugeas-dev libasound2-dev zip Download the latest Source code (tarball) from the [AndroWish] Downloads page [http://www.androwish.org/download/index.html] and place it in say /usr/local/src. Then uncompress and untar the file: tar -xvzf androwish-a05b615f58.tar.gz Created a directory outside the source tree, I named mine undroid mkdir /usr/local/src/undroid Change directory to undroid cd /usr/local/src/undroid Enter the following command and hopefully everything builds without an issue: /usr/local/src/androwish-a05b615f58/undroid/build-vanilla-generic.sh So hopefully all the packages build and two files are created with all the packages wrapped up placed in the current directory. The files are vanillatclsh and vanillawish. The directory should look like this : raspberrypi:/usr/local/src/undroid# ls 3dcanvas curl libdmtx sdl2tk tbcload tclkit tclx tkpath tkvnc v4l2 zint assets dbus-intf libressl snack tcl tcludp tdom tktable tls vanillatclsh zlib assets.zip dbus-tcl Memchan tassets tcl-augeas tcluvc tkhtml tktray trf vanillawish build.log itk opt tassets.zip TclCurl tclvfs tkimg tktreectrl trofs ZBar Now test it out raspberrypi:/usr/local/src/undroid# ./vanillatclsh %