Univert is a Universal Unicode Converter, at least as universal as the Unicode implementation in Tcl 8.1 or later can manage on your computer. Web site: http://www.scarydevil.com/~peter/sw/univert/ Univert will convert interchangably between the following formats: Unicode: Native Tcl unicode, whatever your computer supports. Hex: Hex bytes or words separated by spaces. Decimal: Decimal bytes or words separated by spaces. Entity: HTML entities, (eg <é>) URL: UTF-8/URL encoding, for Unicode HTTP requests. Printable: Quoted printable, using whatever the current encoding is. String: C string, using whatever the current encoding is. [http://www.scarydevil.com/~peter/sw/univert/univert.jpg] ---- [APN] Very useful (for me). Thanks! [DKF]: It'd be nice if it also had \u escapes. - [RS] offers this snippet which \u-escapes all non-ASCII characters in a given string: proc u2x string { set res "" foreach u [split $string ""] { scan $u %c t append res [expr {$t>127? [format "\\u%04.4X" $t] : $u}] } set res } ---- [[ [Category Application] | [Category Human Language] ]]