Version 4 of Useful Bind Procedures

Updated 2011-03-20 05:35:24 by RLE

GPS - Sat Feb 9 2002 - Below are some useful procedures for use with Tk input bindings. Please feel free to add your own. See also bind

  #Updated Oct 2, 2002 

  proc bind:children {win key command} {
    bind $win $key $command

    foreach subWin [winfo children $win] {
      bind:children $subWin $key $command

  proc bind:copyClass {class newClass} {
    foreach binding [bind $class] {
      bind $newClass $binding [bind $class $binding]

  proc bind:removeFromClass {class removeList} {
    foreach item $removeList {
      bind $class <$item> {}

  proc bind:removeAllBut {class bindList} {
    foreach binding $bindList {
      array set tmprab "<${binding}> 0"

    foreach binding [bind $class] {
      if {[info exists tmprab($binding)]} {
      bind $class $binding {}

    array unset tmprab

[Include some example invocations, George.]