'''Useful Tk Widgets''' is a guide to available Tk widgets that are not distributed with Tk. This is not a place for stand-alone Tk applications - that would be a page like [Tk Programs] or [Tk examples]. This is only for widgets - whether individual ones, packaged on the internet or code listed here on the wiki. This is for Tk-based widgets, not widgets based on other toolkits. ** See Also ** [Alternate Widget Sets]: a good page for groups of widgets, or widget tools, available as packages/extensions on the internet. [megawidget]: contains a catalog of widget libraries [Overloading widgets]: [Widgets in the initial Tk package]: It would be useful if all other widget pages had similar visuals ** [combobox] ** see [combobox] ** Date / Time ** [A little date chooser]: select a day/month/year [An i15d date chooser]: an evolution of [A little date chooser], provieds a number of languages for the days of the week and month names. [tklib%|%tklib's] [datefield]: [tcl-only datefield]: like [datefield] but doesn't depend any third-party code. [timeentry]: A [spinbox] widget that only allows valid times to be entered. [Time entry that never contains invalid data]: ** Dial ** [Dial widget]: ** Dialog ** See [Dialog]. ** [DOM] ** [DOM related megawidgets]: ** Forms ** [XML_Wrapper]: create [Tk] forms on the fly from [XML] ** [listbox] ** see [listbox] ** Measurement ** ** Table ** See [Multicolumn listbox] ** Image ** [Img]: handles various image formats beyond what is provided by standard Tk [ASCIIArtWidget]: ** [text] ** See [text] [ScintillaTk], by [Brian Griffin]: modeled after [text], driven by Scintilla ** Tabbed ** [another tabbed notebook megawidget]: ** Hypertext ** [tkhtml]: [A little hypertext system]: display followable links ** listbox ** [Virtuallist]: ** Frames ** [A scrolled frame]: ** Keyboard ** [Keyboard widget]: [iKey: a tiny multilingual keyboard]: an evolution of [Keyboard widget] ** Plotting ** [plotchart]: ** Scrolling ** [Tklib] [autoscroll]: [Internal scrollbars]: widget and accompanying scrollbar in one border [scrodget]: a generic scrolled widget implemented in [snit] [A scrolled frame]: [Scrolling widgets without a text or canvas wrapper]: [A Scrolled Widget implemented with TclOO]: [Virtual Scrolling]: ** [treeview] ** See [treeview] <> GUI | Arts and Crafts of Tcl-Tk Programming