Some little scripts [schlenk] wrote and found useful for working with [Sophos] Antivirus on Linux: --- A simple downloader for new IDE files, that checks the Sophos list for duplicates: #!/usr/bin/tclsh # -------------------------------------------- # # This script gets the newest virus IDEs from # Sophos and installs them in the dirs set in # the config vars below. # # Last Change: 12.Sep.2002 Michael Schlenker # 24.Feb 2003 M.S # # -------------------------------------------- # used for changing uid/gid package require Tclx # configuration data set config(avupdateuser) avupdate set config(avgroup) antivir # drop rights instantly id group $config(avgroup) id user $config(avupdateuser) # needed for http file transfer package require http # url of the ide file list set config(url) # base url to download ides from set config(base_url) # local sav dir for locally running icheckd (intercheck daemon) set config(sav) /usr/local/sav # install dir for W2k clients set config(client) /home/sophos/NTInst/i386 # install dir for Win95 clients lappend config(client) /home/sophos/W95Inst # get the weblist and check what has to be done proc Init {} { global config set geturls "" # get weblist from set token [http::geturl $config(url)] set data [http::data $token] http::cleanup $token # split list into single lines set lines [split $data "\n" ] set status "" if {[llength $lines] > 0} { set lines [lrange $lines 0 end-1] } # see if we have the ide files already set files [glob -nocomplain -directory $config(sav) *.ide] foreach file $files { set fn [file tail $file] lappend status $config(base_url)$fn } foreach line $lines { if {[lsearch -exact $status [string trim $line]]== -1} { puts stdout "New IDE: [string map [list $config(base_url) {}] $line]" lappend geturls $line } else { set file [string map "$config(base_url) {}" $line] set ffile [file join $config(sav) $file] set mtime [file mtime $ffile] set tok [http::geturl $line -validate 1] upvar #0 $tok state foreach {tag value} $state(meta) { if {[string equal $tag "Last-Modified"]} { set wmtime [clock scan $value] } } http::cleanup $tok # is the web server version newer? if {$wmtime > $mtime} { puts stdout "Updated IDE: $file" lappend geturls $line } } } if {[llength $geturls]==0} { puts stdout "No New IDEs found" } return $geturls } # get the ide files from sophos proc geturls urllist { global config foreach url $urllist { puts stdout "Getting $url" set token [http::geturl $url] set data [http::data $token] set fn [string map [list $config(base_url) {}] $url] set filename [file join $config(sav) $fn] set fid [open $filename w+] puts $fid $data close $fid http::cleanup $token } } # copy the ide files to all target locations proc copyides {} { global config set files [glob -directory $config(sav) *.ide] # being lazy, copying all ide files to install dir foreach file $files { foreach dir $config(client) { file copy -force $file $dir file attributes [file join $dir [file tail $file]] -permissions a+r puts stdout "Copying $file to client dir" } } } set urls [Init] if {[llength $urls] > 0} { geturls $urls puts stdout "Downloaded [llength $urls] files" copyides } else { puts stdout "Nothing to be done." } exit 0 --- SGET.EXE style script. Sophos SGET.EXE basically does authenticated HTTP, so not really a problem to get things done: #!/usr/bin/tclsh # SGET.EXE in tcl # # (c) 2002,2003 Michael Schlenker # # last changes: 24.02.2003 # # Sophos Update Program # # # needed packages package require Tclx package require base64 package require http # configuration data # # base_url is the url sophos provides the packages set config(base_url) # list of products to download # -- --> W2k Client # -- linux.inter... -> linux server icheckd # -- --> Win95 Client # set config(products) [list] # list of temp dirs for products # This lists the temp directories the packages are downloaded to for all the # above products. set config(localpath) [list /home/sophos/tmp /home/sophos/tmp /home/sophos/tmp] # list of target unzip/uncompress/untar dirs for products set config(targetpath) [list /home/sophos/tmp/win2000 /home/sophos /home/sophos/tmp/win95] # passwort info # the sophos password and user info needed set config(user) "" set config(passwd) "" # user info # the local group and user the files should belong to set config(sophos_user) sophos set config(sophos_group) antivir if {[id userid] == 0 || \ [id effektive userid] == 0} { puts stdout "Should not be run by root. Switching to sophos user." id group $config(sophos_group) id user $config(sophos_user) } # authenticated geturl proc geturl_auth {url username password} { puts stdout "Getting URL: $url" set auth "Basic [base64::encode $username:$password]" set headerl [list Authorization $auth] set tok [http::geturl $url -headers $headerl -progress progress] puts stdout "\nData received: [http::size $tok] bytes total" set res [http::data $tok] http::cleanup $tok return $res } proc progress {token total count} { puts -nonewline stdout "." flush stdout } proc update_files {} { global config puts stdout "Updating products" foreach prod $config(products) path $config(localpath) { puts stdout "Getting $prod" set data [geturl_auth $config(base_url)$prod $config(user) $config(passwd)] set fid [open [file join $path $prod] w+] fconfigure $fid -translation binary -encoding binary puts -nonewline $fid $data close $fid puts stdout "Done getting $prod" } } update_files