The following script can be used to extract and decode images from a [Usenet] binary archive created by Newsfetch. Newsfetch is free and runs in Unix. The source code for Newsfetch can be found here: Example setup files for downloading train pictures can be found here: How could this be modified to deal with binhex and xxencode formatted data? -GPS No need - UUDeview is a Tcl-based tool (written by Frank Pilhofer) that does all this and more. It's very well-written, thorough, flexible and robust. It includes an easy to use Tk interface. Very fast, too. (I once wrote a similar tool to do binary extraction so I really appreciate how good a job Frank did.) - [Don Libes] The URL for UUDeview is: ---- #!/usr/local/bin/tclsh8.3 #This should work with tclsh > 8.0.5. #An earlier version of this had problems dealing with some filenames. set fp [open ./$argv r] set op 0 set begin "" set end "" set prefix "/home/imagine/Trains/pics/" while {[eof $fp] != 1} \ { set data [gets $fp] if {[regexp {\mbegin ([0-9]+) (.*)} $data all mode filename] == 1} \ { puts "bef $filename" regsub -all { } $filename {} filename puts "aft $filename" set op [open ./_$filename w] set begin [tell $fp] } if {[regexp {\mend$} $data all]} {set end [tell $fp]} #Eventually I should check for a ` followed by end, to be more accurate. if {$end != "" && $begin == ""} {set end ""} if {$begin != "" && $end != ""} \ { puts "filename $filename" puts "begin $begin" puts "end $end" seek $fp $begin puts $op "begin 644 $filename" while 1 \ { puts $op [gets $fp] if {$end < $begin} \ { puts "Error: The end is before the beginning." exit } if {[tell $fp] >= $end} \ { set begin "" set end "" close $op puts "$prefix$filename" catch {exec uudecode -p _$filename > \ $prefix$filename} catch {exec rm _$filename} puts "done\n" break } } } } ---- See also for another Tcl application for downloading and assembling multi-part binaries from newsgroups... ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Application] | [Category Internet] |% !!!!!!