Version 0 of Using javamail in jacl

Updated 2009-08-21 18:55:28 by GCS

The current version of jacl (1.4.1) can not use the smtp package in tcllib, because of lack of support for the fileevent command. The email functions of java are easy to use, however.

The first step is making sure a mail.jar file is in the CLASSPATH. Aejaks has mail-1.4.jar in the jetty-06.0.1/lib/plus directory so nothing extra needs to be done. Other jacl users may need to download it.

A tiny amount of java code needs to be used if the email host uses password authentication. The hyde package makes handling java code straightforward. Its use is shown below.

package require java
package require hyde

hyde::jclass SMTPAuthenticator -extends javax.mail.Authenticator -import {javax.mail.* }  {  
     String userName = " ",
            password = " ";
    public SMTPAuthenticator(String userName, String password) 
       this.userName = userName;
       this.password = password;
        public PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication()
            return new PasswordAuthentication(userName, password);

The code creates the SMTPAuthenticator class with a constructor which saves the username and password, so that the PasswordAuthentication method can use them when needed.

proc sendMail args {
# Set up default arguments
  array set opts {  
    -user [email protected] 
    -password Mich.Mick 
    -port 465 
    -to [email protected] 
    -subject "Testing email" 
    -text "Not much to say" 
    -auth true 
    -useTLS true
# Minimal error checking: odd number of args, first of pair not a valid option name
  set optsLength [llength [array get opts]
  if {llength $args % 2 != 0} {puts "Unpaired option request"; return}
  array set opts $args
  if {[llength [array get opts] != $optsLength} {puts "Illegal option request"; return}
#  puts array get opts
  set props java::new java.util.Properties
  $props put mail.smtp.user $opts(-user)
  $props put $opts(-host)
  $props put mail.smtp.port $opts(-port)
  $props put mail.smtp.auth $opts(-auth)
  $props put mail.smtp.starttls.enable $opts(-useTLS)
  $props put mail.smtp.socketFactory.port $opts(-port)
  $props put mail.smtp.socketFactory.class
  $props put mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback false
  set auth java::new hyde.SMTPAuthenticator $opts(-user) $opts(-password)
  set session java::call javax.mail.Session getInstance $props $auth
  set msg java::new javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage $session
  $msg setText $opts(-text)
  $msg setSubject $opts(-subject)
  $msg setFrom java::new javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress $opts(-user)
  foreach recip $opts(-to) {
    set addressTo java::new javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress $recip
    $msg addRecipient java::field javax.mail.Message.RecipientType TO $addressTo
  java::call javax.mail.Transport send $msg