Born 1972 in Uppland, Sweden. Studying Computer Science [] at Link�ping Institute of Technology, Linguistics [] at Link�ping University and finally Computational Linguistics [] at G�teborg University. gpl @ veronical - Tcl'ers chat [] mindtrader - sourceforge [] and savannah [] mindtrader? Read Clifford D. Simak's Time is the Simplest Thing, and figure it out... ---- UIE - User Interface Engine A software architecture designed to provide a generic interface between different programming languages. UIE combines event driven, declarative, object oriented and functional programming with natural language and databases. It combines concurrent programming and machine translation to provide a generic interface. ---- By the way, the main widget that I use is the powerful text widget. And of course Wikit :-). ---- Mimers brunn [] will become part of the UIE toolbox. ---- UIE toolbox - UIE development for Tclkit [] - http:// coming soon UIE bridge - generic interface from TclTk to other programming languages - http:// coming soon UIE administrator - stay organized with Wikit [] - http:// coming soon UIE communicator - communicate with Tcllib [] - http:// coming soon ---- '''UIE - How a theoretical software architecture leads to NLP''' at Spr�kteknologidagen 16 May 2003, 14:15 (or 15:00 not decided yet) at G�teborg University, Sweden. The talk will also be published here on the 17th for anyone that is interested. '''UIE - Creating a generic interface between Tcl/Tk and other languages:''' combining machine translation and concurrent programming. 4th European Tcl/Tk User Meeting - Possible presentation or informal talk depending on available space. ---- '''The UIE Architecture''' '''Pending ... Definition:''' A software architecture designed to provide a generic interface between different programming languages. UIE is based around the concept of selfcontained objects, just like in object oriented programming. Unlike OO where the functions are bound to one specific object, UIE's functions are also self- contained first order objects as in functional programming. UIE also separates the data from the rest of the application by using a database server. To add further isolation between the software components, the result of functions are treated like any other data, which leads to a combination of declarative and functional programming. '''Implementation:''' Programming in UIE is done top-down rather than bottom-up. Starting with abstract objects and functions, and working downwards towards the actual code base that is kept isolated in the bottom layer. Implementing the UIE architecture led directly to several additional features, such as compactness and stability, natural language (without) processing, portability and living user interfaces. ''[Veronica Loell], 10 may 2003.'' ---- ---- See also [Concepts of Architectural Design for Tcl Applications]. ---- [Category Person]