Purpose: to discuss the Vim editor. ---- First, you can find Vim at http://www.vim.org/ ---- * Tcl embedded within Vim [http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/vim2html2.pl?page=if_tcl.txt] (This link didn't work for me, try [http://vim.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/if_tcl.html]). * [Tags for Vi/ViM editing] * google thread about using Tcl in Vim [http://groups.google.com/groups?th=24332f92a66fdcc9] ---- '''Configuring Vim to conform to the [Tcl Style Guide]''' indenting set autoindent " keep the previous line's indentation set shiftwidth=4 do not inadvertantly break a line set textwidth=0 comments set comments=:# prevent the comment character from forcibly being inserted in column 1 set cinkeys-=0# set indentkeys-=0# ---- What: Vim Where: http://www.vim.org/ http://www.mcs.net/%7Eimdave/ftp/vimconsole-1.2.tgz Description: Vi clone which provides language syntax colorization (including Tcl), command line edit and recall, filename completion, split windows, mouse control, drag and drop, and other features. The vimconsole is a Tclsh shell that interacts with the Tcl support one can build into vim. Currently at version 6.0 . Updated: 09/2001 Contact: mailto:vim@vim.org ---- [Category Application]