[http://www.kitware.com/images/VTKInUseGeocapImageSmall.gif] [http://www.kitware.com/images/VTKInUseSUImage.gif] [http://www.kitware.com/images/VTKInUseMapInfoImageSmall.gif] Vtk [http://www.kitware.com/] is a powerful engine for scientific visualization. It's open source. It has used Tcl/Tk as an integration platform from nearly the beginning [http://www.usenix.org/publications/library/proceedings/tcl96/martin.html]. It's also tightly integrated with Java and C++. Its test suite, Dart, automates nightly regression [testing] and puts status displays on the Web [http://public.kitware.com/VTK/Testing/Dashboard/MostRecentResults-Nightly/Dashboard.html]. It, too, is open source and is discussed further on the [testing] page of the Wiki.