waX Me Lyrical is the successor to [Swish]. It is built over [TclDOM]. [Roy Nurmi], assisted by [Johann Tienhaara], has reworked most of Wax's source code. It relies on [TclXSLT]. Distributions will be built with [Starkit]. ''[escargo] 05/05/05'' - Nothing appropriate seems to be in the [Starkit] Archives [http://www.tcl.tk/starkits/]. [[... Schema ...]] [http://sourceforge.net/projects/waxml] ''([escargo] 18 Aug 2005 - The last CVS commits seem to have been made in Jan 1999.)'' I'd like to try waxml but I'm thoroughly confused as to how to download it. I went to SF but there's no package. I logged in to SF with cvs but when I tried: % cvs co waxml cvs server: cannot find module `waxml' - ignored I then web-browsed the CVS database and found all the files in there are 2 years old. Even assuming it's been 2 years without change, how does one download the whole thing? [LV] Ignoring the last updated issue, email the [TclXML] mailing list and ask there how to get the files... ---- WAX contains an embeddable xml editor in it, /cvsroot/waxml/waxml/lib/xmledit. Install it as an extension and try xmleditor.tcl from samples directory. Requires tcldom with libxml and libxslt support. Xmledit can be called from application to create a xml editor widget that is created based on xml schema. It does not support all bells and whistles in a xml schema, but for moderate schemas it draws a quite nice user interface for editing the xml file. [Roy Nurmi] <> XML