* How the current version started As can be seen in my presentation [APWTCL] at the [10th European Tcl/Tk Users Meeting 2012] this year and on the wiki page there has been a reimplementation of [incr tcl in javascript] based on [Jim] Tcl. This version was the first version [wtk] from [Mark Roseman] as an interface for handling basic widget support. Following that [APWTCL] (Javascript) version there was another implementation of [APWTCL (Java)] for supporting [Android] smartphones and an implementation in Objective-C for support of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPhone%|%iPhone]s. When arriving at the point for building support for [wtk] widgets the first approach was to use the administrative part of [wtk] mostly as it was and to replace sending of [javascript] code to the displaying part by a generic message (string based) interface. On the client side there should be a small interpreter for decoding the messages and for switching and dispatching to the appropriate functions for doing the displaying and event handling work. This was first implemented for the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IOS%|%iOS version, later on there was a port of that code to Java to support [Android]. <>Category GUI