A.k.a. the Internet Archive wayback machine [http://www.archive.org/]: Frequently the only way of retrieving information on web sites no longer on the net. Not Tcl-related (that we know), but often very convenient for digging up old stuff. If a link to some code here on the wiki is broken because the site has disappeared, then the info may still be up in this archive. ''[lexfiend] 16 Feb 2006'' - It's also useful for finding older versions of existing content (i.e. ''time-travelling''). To find all archived versions of, say, http://www.scriptics.com/, simply go to http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.scriptics.com/ and take your pick. [Lars H], 2010-06-10: I just noticed that (the current) WubWikit seems to be confused by the second `http:` in links such as the above if put in brackets: * [http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.scriptics.com/] A work-around is to %-encode the colon, writing `http%3A`, like so: * [http://web.archive.org/web/*/http%3A//www.scriptics.com/] <> Internet