10/22/2003 [Stefan Vogel] I just wanted to get familar with metakits. So I build up a very simply but still useful (at least for me) ''Webadministration-Interface'' for [Metakit]. This webadministration '''Metakit@Web''' works with [Tclhttpd]. With ''Metakit@Web'' (Version 0.5) you can: * create metakit-database-files * create, modify, delete views * create, edit, delete rows * view binaries * test queries ... Installation is quite simple (as always with Tclhttpd): * Download the script "mkweb_05.tcl" from http://www.vogel-nest.de (Go to "Tcl > Metakit@Web") * Copy the script "mkweb_05.tcl" to your tclhttpd-custom-directory (may be you have to patch your Tclhttpd so that custom-files are read: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=635083&group_id=12884&atid=112884 ) * Create a directory where you place your metakits (let's say: /metakits or c:/metakits) * Adapt the directory in mkweb_05.tcl (e.g. set the array aConfig(databaseDir) to /metakits or c:/metakits) * restart Tclhttpd * Go to http:///mkweb Or you simply can run it with tclhttpd.kit (thanks to [jcw] for that info). Download tclhttpd.kit from http://mini.net/sdarchive/ . mkdir htdocs mv mkweb.tcl htdocs date >htdocs/index.html # just to have an index file cp tclhttpd.kit >htdocs/try.mk # just to have a sample datafile tclkit tclhttpd.kit -docRoot `pwd`/htdocs -library `pwd`/htdocs '''Attention''' This Webadmin-interface was developed only for me and my local installation of Tclhttpd. * Currently there is no security implemented! Everyone who can access your webserver can access your metakits!! * Only one user at a time should access Metakit@Web because the configuration-values are globally set (no sessions). Maybe someone wants to make this script session-aware? * Be sure that no spider follows the links on the page (the delete-operation is available as a link, so be careful). Next steps/Missing features: * make it session-aware You've been warned. But now ... have fun: ... '''Script removed''' ... 10/23/2003 [Stefan Vogel] O.k. even though the complete Webadministration of Metakits was only about 600 LoC, it's a little bit to much for the Wiki. You can download the script "mkweb.tcl" from: http://www.vogel-nest.de (Go to "Tcl > Metakit@Web" ) ---- ''Wow! -[jcw]'' [[http://mini.net/pub/mkweb.png]] - is a screenshot of version 0.4 showing a subview (not embedded). And this is an actual one (although the Mac-Screendump looks a lot nicer!!!): [http://www.vogel-nest.de/uploads/Main/mkweb.png] ---- [rmax] - This looks very nice indeed! But I keep getting the following error whenever I invoke a link, that changes anything (creating/deleting databases, modifying views, adding rows, etc.): [[Stack trace and further discussion deleted - because error is fixed]] ---- This is a terrific tool. Thank you! I've found a problem with the script that causes the textareas for editing a row to be rendered incorrectly (at least in Mozilla), it's line 609 which should be changed from this: [[Error-description deleted because it is fixed]] - [WJR] ---- 10/29/2003 Version 0.4 released ''I've updated the screendump for OS X as well -[jcw]'' 11/4/2003 Version 0.5 released (only minor bug-fixes) ---- [WJR] It would be nice to have a button or link that will close the database connection that's currently open. The connection should be opened and closed for each HTTP-Request, so you should be able to open the same database inbetween requests. Perhaps I forgot to close the database sometimes? [Stefan Vogel] [WJR] Here's some more info that may help: I have a Metakit session database for a small web app I'm prototyping. I find that when I'm using Webadmin with the session database open, and I'm using my prototype, the prototype will return a '{db} is already open' error. I've looked at my code, and it seems that all my DB connections are being closed properly. ''It should be possible to debug this using "mk::file open", which returns a list of open db's -[jcw]'' ---- 02/06/2004 [Stefan Vogel] I just released Version 0.6 which now supports sessions. Have a look at http://www.vogel-nest.de (Go to "Tcl > Metakit@Web") for more information and for downloads. ---- [[ [Category Tclkit] | [Category Database] | [Category Internet] [Category TclHttpd] ]]