Purpose: Tcl is not just a language for the experienced programmer. This page is intended as a location where experienced programmers can provide general programming tips to those with less experienced. Learning from the mistakes of others is the sign of a lazy (or, in other words, productive ) programmer... The first items I have are a few truisms that I ran across that were written by [Dan Sugalski] on the perl 5 porters mailing list. They have nothing to do with perl in general and a LOT to do with good ideas for programmers! * Do The Right Thing, even if you don't want to. * Assume the person who'll need to maintain your code owns an axe and isn't afraid to use it * If you think something's terribly clever that's a good sign you shouldn't do it. * Don't take shortcuts to be cute or lazy. * Names are important! You're not called "x", so why should your variables * Pick a coding style and stick with it, even if you don't like it. If the program exists, use its style. * Things are only optional if it's painfully obvious what's going on without them. Parenthesis, generally speaking, aren't optional. Neither are meaningful comments. ---- Another good resource are various books by [Brian Kernighan], one of my favorite authors to read. For example, "The Elements of Programming Style". (Listed as out of print at amazon.com [http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0070342075].) ---- I recently gave one of our interns Kernighan and Plauger's "Software Tools" [http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/020103669X/christophernelso] with the comment "This may be the best book ever on software engineering." -- CLN