Purpose: to aggregate pointers to useful tips, tools, functions, and techniques for Tcl programmers needing to locate and repair problems in their Tcl (or Tk) programs. '''interactive mode''' To see where the error was triggered in interactive mode, use set errorInfo This variable shows index of the faulty line inside the procedure body - '''FP''' (for the beginners) info body _the_name_of_the_procedure_ When debugging interactively, I typed ''set errorInfo'' quite often - until I considered that writing once interp alias {} ? {} set errorInfo reduces this chore to a single (and quite intuitive) question mark command... ([RS]) '''[puts] command''' As far as I can tell, the primary tool used by most Tcl programmers is the ''puts'' command. That is to say - most programmers seem satisfied to modify the existing code (or a copy of it) adding in puts commands. ''Pros:'' Provides feedback at appropriate places within the code. ''Cons:'' Requires one to either modify the existing code, or to maintain parallel copies. Adding puts has the potential to altering the code enough that the bug '''disappears''' or at least moves. Some code may not be available to modify. Some code may in fact be binary applications and not as easily updated. : Since I tend to put each source file in a separate namespace, I can easily have a separate command (per namespace) that behaves like puts in 'debugging' mode and is a no-op in 'production' mode, avoiding at least part of the problem listed above - '''DKF''' One minimal switchable debugger looks like this: proc dputs args {puts stderr $args} ;# on proc dputs args {} ;# off (RS) A slightly more elaborate version renders existing variable names in the caller as "name=value", which is often intended; other words in the arguments are passed through unchanged: proc dputs args { set res [list] foreach i $args { if [uplevel info exists $i] { lappend res "$i=[uplevel set $i]" } else { lappend res $i } } puts stderr $res } Example output for ''hello world, what is this'': hello world, what is {this=C:/WINNT/Profiles/suchenwirth/Eigene Dateien/sep/sep17.tcl} The curlies are added because of the space in the pathname. This will not work with arrays, which cannot be dereferenced by $name. ---- '''Global variable watch & control:''' the following little goody displays the values of global variables (no arrays - you'd use a modified version for those), but you can also change them from the window: proc varwindow {w args} { catch {destroy $w} toplevel $w set n 0 foreach i $args { label $w.l$n -text $i -anchor w entry $w.e$n -textvariable $i -bg white grid $w.l$n $w.e$n incr n } } ;#RS #usage example: varwindow .vw foo bar baz Just make sure your other code calls update in long-running loops, so you get a chance to change. Limit: you can't scroll the thing, so better add no more variables that your screen can hold ;-) ---- Ed Suominen wrote a Tcl/Tk proc simply named "d" for development of PRIVARIA [http://www.privaria.org/], an end-user TCL app with a lot going on inside. You can get the code here: [http://mini.net/cgi-bin/nph-wikit/3504.html] ---- '''set magic:''' As Tcl has no reserved words, you can even write your own set command (make sure its effects are like the original, otherwise most Tcl code might break). For instance, this version says what it does, on stdout: rename set _set proc set {var args} { puts [list set $var $args] uplevel _set $var $args } ;#RS Might help in finding what was going on before a crash. When sourced in a wish app, shows what's up on the Tcl side of Tk. Pretty educative! ---- See also [A minimal debugger] that implements breakpoints, allowing to run any Tcl command, including inspecting and setting the local variables... ---- '''Minimal stepper''': For inspecting what a Tk application does in a loop, you may insert the following line at the position in question: puts -nonewline >;flush stdout;update;gets stdin ;#RS ---- '''Static Code Checkers''' Static code checkers are another tool. These are programs which read your Tcl code and attempt to identify either real, or potential, problems. This is similar to the Unix ''lint'' command. * http://sourceforge.net/projects/tclpro/ has, as a part of the now open-source, free [TclPro] package, a program called procheck which performs this function. * ICEmcfd has Tcl Lint [http://icemcfd.com/tcl/ice.html] which makes use of their ICE Tcl compiler to determine possible errors. * TclParse [http://www.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/ipvr/swlab/sopra/tclsyntax/tclparseHomeEngl.html] by Stefan Schreyjak. * tclCheck [http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/Programs/tclCheck/] and [Frink] by [Lindsay Marshall]. * [XotclIDE] contains syntax checker for Tcl and XOTcl code * See a page by Cameron for more [http://starbase.neosoft.com/~claird/comp.lang.tcl/tcl_compilers.html]. '''Dynamic Code Checkers''' Dynamic debuggers are a strange breed. For whatever reason, many programmers are either unfamilar or dissatisfied with most of the products in this category. * http://www.codeforge.com/ has an IDE which supports Tcl as well as several other languages. * Juice [http://www.codearchive.com/tcltk/juice.zip] is a Tcl 8.0 debugger with GUI interface. * Myrmeco [http://www.neatware.com/myrmecox/] is a commercial Tcl debugger for Windows. * Tcl Debug [ftp://ftp.cme.nist.gov/pub/expect/] is a dynamically loadable extension written by Don Libes which provides breakpoints and single stepping of a Tcl script. Tom Tromey has extended this extension to provide filename and [line number] associations with statements. * Tdb [http://members.ping.at/risc/tdb.html] is a debugger for Tcl scripts. * TIDE [http://www.t-ide.com/] is an integrated development environment including version control management interfaces, debugger interface, difference/merge into version control management system tool, smart editing, simple project management, call tree browser, variable usage tracking, and ability to generate byte codes or stand alone binaries. It is a commercial product and makes use of the ICE compiler. * tk-debug [http://drip.colorado.edu/%7Etromey/] is a Tk interacter for Don Libes' Tcl Debug. * Tuba [http://comanche.com.dtu.dk/john/tuba/] is a Tcl/Tk 8 debugger with breakpoints, source code viewing, watchpoints, etc. Download from http://www.eolas.net/tcl/tcl-tuba25b1.zip viz. http://www.eolas.net/tcl/tcl-tuba24p1.zip Notice that tuba served as "a base for TclPro ..." * Another alternative here is to make use of your system's C level debugger - say gdb, codecenter, whatever... to start up the interpreter. Then once it is up, start up your tcl debugger, or tkcon, etc. so that you can see what your program will see AND see what is going on ''under the covers'' so to speak. * Not to mention the fun one could have with a tcl-level debugger which is able to interface to a tcl-aware C level debugger like SmartGDB [http://hegel.ittc.ukans.edu/projects/smartgdb/index.html]. Of course, this makes sense only if Tcl-level debugger (interface) and debugged application do not share the same process, i.e. they have to talk via pipes or sockets with each other. -- '''AK''' * Insight aka gdbtk [http://sourceware.cygnus.com/insight/] by Cygnus merges gdb and Tcl/Tk. The idea from the last point applies here too. * Testcov (test coverage) is a tool to register which parts of the code have been executed how often, it is less than perfect but it does a fairly nice job. Soon available on NeoSoft's archive. [Arjen Markus] Some extensions come with add-on commands to assist in debugging. * BLT [http://www.tcltk.com/blt/] comes with several useful debugging commands. * [TclX] comes with commands for profiling and debugging facilities. * jTcl [http://www.fridu.com/Html/jTcl.html] is a Java-like object interface which provides debugging facilities. * SNTL [http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/%7Esls/woa/distrib/] includes a debugging message system. * TDebug [ftp://ftp.neosoft.com/languages/tcl/sorted/packages-7.6/devel/] is a Tk based debugger that is sourced into your script. Works conceptually like the emacs-lisp debugger. * The 'tracecommand' extension, based on a patch [ftp://ftp.ucsd.edu/pub/alpha/tcl/extensions/trace.c] [[does [Vincent Darley] have a more recent version of this?]] to the Tcl core, is available from the scriptics bug database [[we need a URL here]]. It can be used to dump before/after command+argument+result evaluations both globally or only inside a given command or procedure. It is similar to the 'trace dump' facility available in the Tcl-scripted MacOS editor 'Alpha'. There are other useful tools available as well. * [Tkinspect] is a stand alone application which queries a running Tk application and then displays it's state. This allows you to display current variable values and modify procs or variables. * Jeffrey Hobbs' [TkCon] [http://www.purl.org/net/hobbs/tcl/script/tkcon/] is also a great way to interact with a running Tcl/Tk application. It can be attached to any Tcl/Tk interpreter or namespace and allows any modification. * [Guarded proc] monitors or prevents redefining an existing proc. '''RS''' * [Source Navigator] is an IDE with code comprehension features. It is written in Tcl/Tk/itcl, but allows you to understand code written in a wide variety of languages. ---- When trying to find bugs going into the C-level, especially hard to pin-down memory trouble, techniques for [Memory introspection] get important. ---- Check out this tip by [Csan]: how about expect -c 'strace N' script.tcl , where N is the level which you want the trace dig into . [LV]: This is a wonderful tip - it can show you each line of tcl as it is interpreted. Csan: For tracing variable access (setting, reading, unsetting) see Tcl's built-in [trace] command - wonderful one also. Combine it with expect's [strace] and you are in Tcl Debug Heaven ;) Csan also mentions that [expect] supports: expect -D 1 script.tcl which then invokes an interactive debugger that allows to you single step, set breakpoints, examine variables, manipulate procs, etc (type 'h' at the dbg> prompt to get a short list and explanation of the available commands). ---- Check program '''RamDebugger''', a graphical debugger for '''Tcl-Tk''' developed in '''Tcl-Tk''' at [RamDebugger] ---- Please add to the above list any other techniques of which you are familiar. "[Debugging Expect programs]" ---- [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming]