This topic came up on [comp.lang.tcl], initially in this thread []. Some of the responses posted include: * Read [Changes in Tcl/Tk 8.5] * Scripts that depend on the exact behaviour of cursor motion in the [text] widget may have problems. * Scripts that depend on details of font handling may have problems. * you're SOL if you're on Mac Classic. :-) * it's not a good idea to write scripts that depend on formats of particular error messages. * If you use only tcl.h, tk.h and the exported functions from the stubs table you're quite safe. * If you go from 8.4 to 8.5 it should be easy, simply recompile. * If you go from 8.x x <4 to 8.5 you may need to fix some CONST stuff that changed in 8.4. (see * If you go from 7.x to 8.5 you can expect some more work. * If you use tclInt.h or other non public interfaces all bets are off..., try to recompile and see where the compiler bitches. * my very first test failed, trying xtem from ====== I get (when pressing the exit button) bad variable name "geom(.xtemqd)": upvar won't create a scalar variable that looks like an array element while executing "global [set var]" (procedure "writeVarList2File" line 5) : (followed by more text that I won't quote) : ====== * Reply was: This statement used to be "useless": it would have created a variable that is completely unreachable from Tcl code. It is now an error. * if you were using the dict as an extension in 8.4, you may want to remove the package require dict since it is now built into 8.5. * also, there have been a number of significant upgrades for dicts in Tcl 8.5 * integer operations no longer wrap around at 2^31. * tcl_precision changed - where previously numbers might have displayed as 3.3, under 8.5 they may show as 3.30000000000003 for example. I had to fix this by adding additional trace commands and shadow variables to reformat the numbers. * grid behavior changed when the widget is smaller than the container. Tcl 8.5 added the grid anchor command but the 8.5 default is nw while 8.4 behavior was center. * take a look at the entries in the "changes" files (included in the Tcl and Tk source code distributions) that are marked ** POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY **. ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Documentation] |% !!!!!!