Purpose: Outline for people new to the community what resources are available for sharing their Tcl related code, documentation, etc. ---- * http://www.tcl.tk/software/ (the semi-official Tcl home) has a list of software and extensions for or using Tcl. * http://sourceforge.net/ is available for Open Source projects * ftp://ftp.procplace.com/pub/tcl/ has been available for quite a long time. * [The Tcler's Wiki], this site, is well known for web pages with small application source code. ---- ''[escargo] 05/05/05'' - If you keep application source code on this site, you can use [wiki-reaper], [wish-reaper], or even [XotclIDE] to extract the source code and copy it to your local system. ---- Add additional references as you find them. ---- [Category Deployment]