Purpose: Outline for people new to the community what resources are available for sharing their Tcl related code, documentation, etc. ---- * http://www.tcl.tk/software/ (the semi-official Tcl home) has a list of software and extensions for or using Tcl. * http://sourceforge.net/ is available for Open Source projects * ftp://ftp.procplace.com/pub/tcl/ has been available for quite a long time. * [The Tcler's Wiki], this site, is well known for web pages with small application source code. * [sdarchive] is a site on which one can provide [starkit] or [starpack] versions of applications * http://gna.org/ is available for Libre Software ---- ''[escargo] 05/05/05'' - If you keep application source code on this site, you can use [wiki-reaper], [wish-reaper], or even [XotclIDE] to extract the source code and copy it to your local system. ---- Add additional references as you find them. ---- [RS]: The easiest way is of course to create a page here, and paste the program there :) [LV] Of course, that's mentioned above. However, some programs are larger than is really appropriate for the wiki; in particular, if programs have various pieces that need compiled, libraries to build, etc. or if the developer wishes to have bugs, new features, etc. tracked, etc. then one of the project management sites is better. ---- [Category Deployment]