Enough reasons to keep your hands off AndroWish 1. looks ugly, like stuff from the 90's (you're invited to design a ttk theme for it to look somewhat less anachronistic) 2. behaves not exactly like Tcl/Tk on the desktop (due to that pixel density war on mobile equipment) 3. has not reached maturity in years (and will take another century) 4. will never look native on Android (although nativity in terms of look is quite relative) 5. invites developers to combine it with unwanted ads (in the sense of free software) 6. follows not that hyped HTML5/CSS/JavaScript/WebGL/Canvas/Websocket/*whatever* inventions of W3C (which in modern times does not require to learn one programming idiom, but at least three, holy progress!) 7. will run for 74 minutes at most (not proved, but couldn't resist, since the 35 year old CD played not longer) 8. was a hack by a single individual not backed up by a conference or a consortium <>AndroWish