[AMG]: The implementation of the [Wibble] web server follows. It requires a recent version of [Tcl] 8.6 with [NRE], dated 2010-09-15 or newer. You can find some recent [Tclkit] builds here: [http://www.rkeene.org/devel/kitcreator/kitbuild/0.5.3/] [http://patthoyts.tk/tclkit/win32-ix86/daily/] [http://patthoyts.tk/tclkit/linux-ix86/daily/]. You're welcome to make code changes directly on this page, but please keep discussion to an absolute minimum. <> ======none #!/usr/bin/env tclsh # Wibble - a pure-Tcl Web server. http://wiki.tcl.tk/23626 # Copyright 2011 Andy Goth. mailto/andrew.m.goth/at/gmail/dot/com # Available under the Tcl/Tk license. http://tcl.tk/software/tcltk/license.html package require Tcl 8.6 package provide wibble 0.1 # Define the wibble namespace. namespace eval ::wibble { variable zonehandlers } # ============================== zone handlers ================================ # Echo request dictionary. proc ::wibble::vars {state} { dict set response status 200 dict set response header content-type text/html dict set response content "" foreach {dictname dictval} $state { if {$dictname eq "request"} { set dictval [dumprequest $dictval] } dict append response content\ "" foreach {key val} $dictval { dict append response content\ } } dict append response content
[enhtml $dictname]
[enhtml $key][enhtml $val]
sendresponse $response } # Redirect when a directory is requested without a trailing slash. proc ::wibble::dirslash {state} { dict with state request {}; dict with state options {} if {[file isdirectory $fspath] && [string index $suffix end] ni {/ ""}} { append path / if {[info exists rawquery]} { append path $rawquery } redirect $path } } # Rewrite directory requests to search for an indexfile. proc ::wibble::indexfile {state} { dict with state request {}; dict with state options {} if {[file isdirectory $fspath]} { if {[string index $path end] ne "/"} { append path / } set newstate $state dict set state request path $path$indexfile nexthandler $newstate $state } } # Generate directory listings. proc ::wibble::dirlist {state} { dict with state request {}; dict with state options {} if {![file isdirectory $fspath]} { # Pass if the requested object is not a directory or doesn't exist. } elseif {[file readable $fspath]} { # If the directory is readable, generate a listing. dict set response status 200 dict set response header content-type text/html dict set response content dict append response content "..
\n" foreach elem [lsort [glob -nocomplain -tails -directory $fspath *]] { dict append response content\ "[enhtml $elem]
\n" } dict append response content \n sendresponse $response } else { # But if it isn't readable, generate a 403. forbidden $state } } # Compile templates into scripts. proc ::wibble::template {state} { dict with state request {}; dict with state options {} if {[file readable $fspath.tmpl] && (![file readable $fspath.script] || [file mtime $fspath.script] < [file mtime $fspath.tmpl])} { set chan [open $fspath.tmpl] set tmpl [read $chan] chan close $chan set chan [open $fspath.script w] chan puts -nonewline $chan\ [compiletemplate "dict append response content" $tmpl] chan close $chan } } # Execute scripts. proc ::wibble::script {state} { dict with state request {}; dict with state options {} if {[file readable $fspath.script]} { dict set response status 200 dict set response header content-type text/plain dict set response content "" source $fspath.script sendresponse $response } } # Send static files. proc ::wibble::static {state} { dict with state request {}; dict with state options {} if {![file isdirectory $fspath] && [file exists $fspath]} { dict set response status 200 dict set response contentfile $fspath sendresponse $response } } # Send a 301 Moved Permanently. proc ::wibble::redirect {newurl {state ""}} { dict set response status 301 dict set response header location $newurl sendresponse $response } # Send a 403 Forbidden. proc ::wibble::forbidden {state} { dict set response status 403 dict set response header content-type text/plain dict set response content "forbidden: [dict get $state request uri]\n" sendresponse $response } # Send a 404 Not Found. proc ::wibble::notfound {state} { dict set response status 404 dict set response header content-type text/plain dict set response content "not found: [dict get $state request uri]\n" sendresponse $response } # ============================ utility procedures ============================= # Compile a template. proc ::wibble::compiletemplate {command template} { set script "" set pos 0 foreach match [regexp -line -all -inline -indices {^%.*$} $template] { lassign $match from to set str [string range $template $pos [expr {$from - 2}]] if {$str ne ""} { append script "$command \[[list subst $str\n]\]\n" } append script [string range $template [expr {$from + 1}] $to]\n set pos [expr {$to + 2}] } set str [string range $template $pos end] if {$str ne ""} { append script "$command \[[list subst $str]\]" } string trimright $script } # Flatten the request dictionary into a form that's easier to log. proc ::wibble::dumprequest {data {prefix ""}} { if {![llength $data]} { return [list $prefix ""] } set result {} foreach {key val} $data { set key [concat $prefix [list $key]] if {$key in {header "header content-type" "header cookie" accept query} || ([lindex $key 0] in {post query} && ([llength $key] < 3 || ([llength $key] == 3 && [lindex $key 2] ne "")))} { lappend result {*}[dumprequest $val $key] } elseif {[string length $val] > 512} { lappend result $key (len=[string length $val]) } else { lappend result $key $val } } return $result } # ========================= network input procedures ========================== # Get a line of data from the current coroutine's socket. proc ::wibble::getline {} { set socket [namespace tail [info coroutine]] while {1} { if {[chan gets $socket line] >= 0} { return $line } elseif {[chan eof $socket]} { return -level [info level] } elseif {[chan pending input $socket] > 4096} { error "line length exceeds limit of 4096 bytes" } icc get [info coroutine] readable } } # Get a block of data from the current coroutine's socket. proc ::wibble::getblock {size} { set socket [namespace tail [info coroutine]] while {1} { set chunklet [chan read $socket $size] set size [expr {$size - [string length $chunklet]}] append chunk $chunklet if {[chan eof $socket]} { return -level [info level] } elseif {$size == 0} { return $chunk } icc get [info coroutine] readable } } # ==================== conversion and parsing procedures ====================== # Encode for HTML by substituting angle brackets, ampersands, line breaks, and # space sequences. proc ::wibble::enhtml {str} { string map {< < > > & & \r "" \n "
\n" " " \ &\#160;} $str } # Encode for HTML tag attribute by substituting angle brackets, ampersands, # double quotes, and space sequences. proc ::wibble::enattr {str} { string map {< < > > & & \r "" \n "" \" " " " \ &\#160;} $str } # Encode for HTML
 by substituting angle brackets and ampersands.
proc ::wibble::enpre {str} {
    string map {< < > > & & \r ""} $str

# Encode a query string.  The caller must prepend the question mark.
proc ::wibble::enquery {args} {
    set query {}
    foreach {key val} [concat {*}$args] {
        if {[dict exists $val ""]} {
            lappend query [enurl $key]=[enurl [dict get $val ""]]
        } else {
            lappend query [enurl $key]
    join $query &

# Decode a query string into a list.  The caller must strip the question mark.
proc ::wibble::dequery {str} {
    set query {}
    foreach elem [split $str &] {
        regexp {^([^=]*)(?:(=.*))?$} $elem _ key val
        if {$val ne ""} {
            set val [list "" [deurl [string range $val 1 end]]]
        lappend query [deurl $key] $val
    return $query

# Encode by substituting most non-alphanumerics with hexadecimal codes.
proc ::wibble::enhex {str} {
    set pos 0
    while {[regexp -indices -start $pos {[^-^,./'=+|!$\w]} $str range]} {
        binary scan [string range $str {*}$range] H2 char
        set str [string replace $str {*}$range %$char]
        set pos [expr {[lindex $range 0] + 3}]
    return $str

# Decode hexadecimal encoding.
proc ::wibble::dehex {str} {
    set pos 0
    while {[regexp -indices -start $pos {%([[:xdigit:]]{2})} $str range code]} {
        set char [binary format H2 [string range $str {*}$code]]
        set str [string replace $str {*}$range $char]
        set pos [expr {[lindex $range 0] + 1}]
    return $str

# Encode for URLs by substituting plus, space, and most other non-alphanumerics.
proc ::wibble::enurl {str} {
    enhex [string map {+ %2b " " +} $str]

# Decode URL encoding.
proc ::wibble::deurl {str} {
    dehex [string map {+ " "} $str]

# Decode header list encoding.
proc ::wibble::delist {separator str} {
    regexp -all -inline [dict get {
        semicolon {"(?:[^\\"]|\\.)*"|\((?:[^\\()]|\\.)*\)|[^;]+}
        comma     {"(?:[^\\"]|\\.)*"|\((?:[^\\()]|\\.)*\)|[^,]+}
        semicomma {"(?:[^\\"]|\\.)*"|\((?:[^\\()]|\\.)*\)|[^,;]+}
        space     {"(?:[^\\"]|\\.)*"|\((?:[^\\()]|\\.)*\)|[^"()\\\s]+}
    } $separator] $str

# Decode header quoting.
proc ::wibble::dequote {str} {
    if {([string index $str 0] eq "\"" && [string index $str end] eq "\"")
     || ([string index $str 0] eq "(" && [string index $str end] eq ")")} {
        regsub -all {\\(.)} [string range $str 1 end-1] {\1}
    } else {
        return $str

# Decode headers.
proc ::wibble::deheader {str} {
    set header {}
    foreach {_ key raw} [regexp -all -inline -expanded -lineanchor {
        ^( [^\s:]+ ) \s*:\s*
        ( (?: "(?:[^\\"]|\\.)*" | \((?:[^\\()]|\\.)*\) | [^\n] | \n[ \t] )* )
    } $str] {
        set key [string tolower $key]
        set raw [string trim $raw]
        set val {}
        switch $key {
        cookie {
            # Value is a cookie definition.
            set common {}
            set cookie ""
            foreach elem [delist semicomma $raw] {
                regexp {\s*([^\s=]*)(?:\s*=(.*))?} $elem _ key2 val2
                set key2 [string tolower $key2]
                if {[string index $key2 0] eq "\$"} {
                    set key2 [dehex [string range $key2 1 end]]
                    if {$cookie eq ""} {
                        dict set common $key2 [dehex $val2]
                    } else {
                        dict set params $key2 [dehex $val2]
                } else {
                    if {$cookie ne ""} {
                        lappend val $cookie $params
                    set cookie [dehex $key2]
                    set params $common
                    dict set params "" [dehex $val2]
            if {$cookie ne ""} {
                lappend val $cookie $params
        } cache-control - pragma {
            # Value has format "subkey1=subval1,subkey2=subval2".
            foreach elem [delist comma $raw] {
                regexp {\s*([^\s=]+)(?:\s*(=.*))?} $elem _ key2 val2
                if {$val2 ne ""} {
                    set val2 [dequote [string trim [string range $val2 1 end]]]
                    set val2 [list "" $val2]
                lappend val [string tolower $key2] $val2
        } connection - content-encoding - content-language - if-match -
        if-none-match - trailer - upgrade - vary - via - warning {
            # Value has format "elem1,elem2".
            foreach elem [delist comma $raw] {
                lappend val [dequote [string trim $elem]]
        } accept - accept-charset - accept-encoding - accept-language -
        expect - te - transfer-encoding {
            # Value has format "elem1;subkey1=subval1;subkey2=subval2,elem2".
            foreach elem [delist comma $raw] {
                set params {}
                set subs [delist semicolon $elem]
                foreach sub [lrange $subs 1 end] {
                    regexp {\s*([^\s=]+)(?:\s*=\s*(.*?)\s*)?} $sub _ key2 val2
                    lappend params [string tolower $key2] [dequote $val2]
                lappend val [string tolower [string trim [lindex $subs 0]]]
                lappend val $params
        } content-disposition - content-type {
            # Value has format "elem;subkey1=subval1;subkey2=subval2".
            set elems [delist semicolon $raw]
            set val [list "" [string tolower [lindex $elems 0]]]
            foreach elem [lrange $elems 1 end] {
                regexp {\s*([^\s=]+)(?:\s*=\s*(.*?)\s*)?} $elem _ key2 val2
                lappend val [string tolower $key2] [dequote $val2]
        } user-agent {
            # Value is a user-agent definition.
            foreach elem [delist space $raw] {
                if {[string index $elem 0] eq "("} {
                    lappend val ([dequote $elem])
                } else {
                    lappend val [dequote $elem]
        } default {
            # Value has format "elem".
            set val $raw
        dict set header $key $val
    return $header

# =================== inter-coroutine communication system ====================

# The inter-coroutine communication procedures are in the [icc] ensemble.
namespace eval ::wibble::icc {
    namespace export configure get put
    namespace ensemble create
    variable feeds

# Lapse (remove) a feed that nothing's interested in anymore.
proc ::wibble::icc::lapse {fid} {
    variable feeds

    # Clean up the feed's data structures.
    set lapsescript [dict get $feeds $fid lapsescript]
    dict unset feeds $fid

    # Run the lapse script, which may be empty string.
    uplevel #0 $lapsescript

# Adjust an ICC feed's configuration, creating the feed in the process.
# [icc configure $fid accept|reject ?filter? ?...?]
# [icc configure $fid lapse ?timeout_milliseconds? ?lapsescript?]
proc ::wibble::icc::configure {fid operation args} {
    variable feeds

    # Initialize the feed if it doesn't already exist.
    if {![info exists feeds] || ![dict exists $feeds $fid]} {
        dict set feeds $fid {acceptable "" lapsetime "" lapsescript ""
            lapsecancel "" suspended "" pending ""}

    # Reset the feed's lapse timeout.
    if {[dict get $feeds $fid lapsecancel] ne ""} {
        after cancel [dict get $feeds $fid lapsecancel]
        dict set feeds $fid lapsecancel ""

    # Process the requested operation.
    switch $operation {
    lapse {
        # Store arguments into feed structure, defaulting to "".
        dict set feeds $fid lapsetime [lindex $args 0]
        dict set feeds $fid lapsescript [lindex $args 1]
    } accept {
        # Append the arguments to the list of accepted filters.
        dict set feeds $fid acceptable [concat\
            [dict get $feeds $fid acceptable] $args]
    } reject {
        # Remove all filters that match any of the argument patterns.
        set index 0
        foreach filter [dict get $feeds $fid acceptable] {
            foreach pattern $args {
                if {[string match $pattern $filter]} {
                    dict set feeds $fid acceptable [lreplace\
                        [dict get $feeds $fid acceptable] $index $index]
                    incr index -1
            incr index

    # Restart the feed's lapse timeout.
    if {[dict get $feeds $fid lapsetime] ne ""} {
        dict set feeds $fid lapsecancel [after [dict get $feeds $fid lapsetime]\
            [list ::wibble::icc::lapse $fid]]

# Get a list of events on one or more feeds matching any of the filters.
proc ::wibble::icc::get {fids filters {timeout ""}} {
    variable feeds

    # Reset the feed lapse timeouts, and check for pending events.
    set result {}
    set index 0
    foreach fid $fids {
        # Reset the feed's lapse timeout.
        if {[dict get $feeds $fid lapsecancel] ne ""} {
            after cancel [dict get $feeds $fid lapsecancel]
            dict set feeds $fid lapsecancel ""

        # Gather the pending events that match the request filters.
        foreach entry [dict get $feeds $fid pending] {
            foreach filter $filters {
                if {[string match $filter [lindex $entry 0]]} {
                    dict set feeds $fid pending [lreplace\
                        [dict get $feeds $fid pending] $index $index]
                    lappend result $entry
                    incr index -1
            incr index

    # If no acceptable events were pending, wait for one to occur.
    if {![llength $result]} {
        # Install wake-up handlers for readability and timeout, as requested.
        set coro [info coroutine]
        set socket [namespace tail $coro]
        if {[set readable [expr {"readable" in $filters && $coro in $fids}]]} {
            chan event $socket readable [list $coro readable]
        if {$timeout ne ""} {
            lappend filters timeout
            if {$coro ni $fids} {
                lappend fids $coro
            set timeoutcancel [after $timeout [list $coro timeout]]

        # Wait for an event.  Maintain each feed's list of suspended coroutines.
        foreach fid $fids {
            dict set feeds $fid suspended $coro $filters
        set result [list [yield]]
        foreach fid $fids {
            dict unset feeds $fid suspended $coro

        # Remove the readability and timeout handlers.
        if {$timeout ne "" && [lindex $result 0 0] ne "timeout"} {
            after cancel $timeoutcancel
        if {$readable} {
            chan event $socket readable ""

    # Restart the lapse timeouts for the feeds monitored by this coroutine.
    foreach fid $fids {
        if {[dict get $feeds $fid lapsetime] eq ""} {continue}

        if {[dict get $feeds $fid lapsecancel] ne ""} {
            after cancel [dict get $feeds $fid lapsecancel]
        dict set feeds $fid lapsecancel [after [dict get $feeds $fid lapsetime]\
            [list ::wibble::icc::lapse $fid]]

    # Return the event data.
    return $result

# Send event data to the named feeds, or all if "*".
proc ::wibble::icc::put {fids event args} {
    variable feeds

    # Expand "*" to a list of all feeds that exist at the time [put] is called.
    if {$fids eq "*"} {
        set fids [dict keys $feeds]

    # Insist on running from the event loop, never from within a coroutine.
    if {[info coroutine] ne ""} {
        after 0 [concat [list ::wibble::icc::put $fids $event] $args]

    # Send the event to all feeds whose filters accept it.
    set argument [concat [list $event] $args]
    foreach fid $fids {
        if {![dict exists $feeds $fid]} {continue}

        foreach filter [dict get $feeds $fid acceptable] {
            if {![string match $filter $event]} {continue}

            # Send event to a suspended coroutine watching the feed.
            set found 0
            dict for {coro filters} [dict get $feeds $fid suspended] {
                foreach filter $filters {
                    if {[string match $filter $event]} {
                        if {[info commands $coro] ne ""} {
                            $coro $argument
                        set found 1

            # If no suspended coroutine, enqueue the event.
            if {!$found} {
                dict set feeds $fid pending [concat\
                    [dict get $feeds $fid pending] [list $argument]]

# =============================== wibble core =================================

# Advance to the next zone handler using the specified state list.
proc ::wibble::nexthandler {args} {
    return -code 5 $args

# Send a response to the client.
proc ::wibble::sendresponse {response} {
    return -code 6 $response

# Register a zone handler.
proc ::wibble::handle {prefix command args} {
    variable zonehandlers
    lappend zonehandlers $prefix $command $args

# Schedule scripts to run on coroutine cleanup.
proc ::wibble::cleanup {args} {
    upvar #2 cleanup cleanup
    set cleanup [concat $args $cleanup]

# Get an HTTP request from a client.
proc ::wibble::getrequest {port chan peerhost peerport} {
    # The HTTP header uses CR/LF line breaks.
    chan configure $chan -translation crlf

    # Receive and parse the first line.  Process "." and ".." path components.
    regexp {^\s*(\S*)\s+(\S*)\s+(.*?)\s*$} [getline] _ method uri protocol
    regexp {^([^?]*)(\?.*)?$} $uri _ path query
    set path [regsub -all {(?:/|^)\.(?=/|$)} [dehex $path] /]
    while {[regexp -indices {(?:/[^/]*/+|^[^/]*/+|^)\.\.(?=/|$)} $path range]} {
        set path [string replace $path {*}$range ""]
    set path [regsub -all {//+} /$path /]

    # Start building the request structure.
    set request [dict create socket $chan peerhost $peerhost peerport $peerport\
        port $port rawtime [clock seconds] time [clock format [clock seconds]]\
        method $method uri $uri path $path protocol $protocol rawheader {}]

    # Parse the query string.
    if {$query ne ""} {
        dict set request rawquery $query
        dict set request query [dequery [string range $query 1 end]]

    # Receive and parse the headers.
    while {[set line [getline]] ne ""} {
        dict lappend request rawheader $line
    dict set request header [deheader [join [dict get $request rawheader] \n]]

    # Process qvalues in accept* headers.
    foreach {header key} {accept type accept-charset charset
    accept-encoding encoding accept-language language} {
        set preferences {}
        if {[dict exists $request header $header]} {
            set options {}
            foreach {option params} [dict get $request header $header] {
                if {![dict exists $params q]
                 || ![string is double -strict [dict get $params q]]} {
                    lappend options [list $option 1]
                } elseif {[dict get $params q] > 0} {
                    lappend options [list $option [dict get $params q]]
            foreach elem [lsort -index 1 -decreasing -real $options] {
                lappend preferences [lindex $elem 0]
        dict set request accept $key $preferences

    # Get and parse the request body, if there is one.
    if {$method eq "POST"} {
        # Get the request body.
        if {[dict exists $request header transfer-encoding]
         && [dict get $request header transfer-encoding] eq "chunked"} {
            # Receive chunked request body.
            set data ""
            while {[scan [getline] %x length] == 1 && $length > 0} {
                chan configure $chan -translation binary
                append data [getblock $length]
                chan configure $chan -translation crlf
        } else {
            # Receive non-chunked request body.
            chan configure $chan -translation binary
            set data [getblock [dict get $request header content-length]]
            chan configure $chan -translation crlf

        # Parse the request body.
        dict set request rawpost $data
        set post ""
        switch [if {[dict exists $request header content-type ""]} {
            dict get $request header content-type ""
        }] {
        multipart/form-data {
            # Interpret multipart/form-data (required for file uploads).
            set data \r\n$data
            set sep \r\n--[dict get $request header content-type boundary]
            set beg [expr {[string first $sep $data] + 2}]
            set end [expr {[string first $sep $data $beg] - 1}]
            while {$beg < $end} {
                set beg [expr {[string first \n $data $beg] + 1}]
                set part [string range $data $beg $end]
                set split [string first \r\n\r\n $part]
                set val [deheader [string map {\r ""}\
                    [string range $part 0 [expr {$split - 1}]]]]
                dict set val "" [string range $part [expr {$split + 4}] end]
                if {[dict exists $val content-disposition name]} {
                    lappend post [dict get $val content-disposition name] $val
                } else {
                    lappend post "" $val
                set beg [expr {$end + 3}]
                set end [expr {[string first $sep $data $beg] - 1}]
        } text/plain {
            # Interpret text/plain POSTs.
            foreach elem [lrange [split $data \n] 0 end-1] {
                regexp {([^\r=]*)(?:(=[^\r]*))?} $elem _ key val
                if {$val ne ""} {
                    set val [list "" [string range $val 1 end]]
                lappend post $key $val
        } text/xml {
            # Interpret text/xml POSTs.
            dict set post xml "" [deurl $data]
        } application/x-www-form-urlencoded - default {
            # Interpret URL-encoded POSTs (the default).
            set post [dequery $data]
        dict set request post $post

    return $request

# Get a response from the zone handlers.
proc ::wibble::getresponse {request} {
    variable zonehandlers
    set system [list [dict create options {} request $request]]

    # Process all zone handlers.
    foreach {prefix command options} $zonehandlers {
        set match $prefix
        if {[string index $match end] ne "/"} {
            append match /

        # Run the zone handler on all states with requests in the zone.
        set i 0
        foreach {state} $system {
            set path [dict get $state request path]
            if {$path eq $prefix
             || [string equal -length [string length $match] $match $path]} {
                set suffix [string range $path [string length $prefix] end]

                # Replace the options in the state dict.
                dict set state options $options
                dict set state options prefix $prefix
                dict set state options suffix $suffix
                if {[dict exists $options root]} {
                    dict set state options fspath\
                        [dict get $options root]/$suffix

                # Invoke the handler and process its outcome.
                try {
                    {*}$command $state
                } on 5 outcome {
                    # [nexthandler]: Update the system and continue processing.
                    set system [lreplace $system $i $i {*}$outcome]
                } on 6 outcome {
                    # [sendresponse]: A response has been obtained.  Return it.
                    return $outcome
            incr i

    # Return 501 as default response.
    dict create status 501 header {content-type text/plain}\
        content "not implemented: [dict get $request uri]\n"

# Main connection processing loop.
proc ::wibble::process {port socket peerhost peerport} {
    set cleanup {
        {chan close $file}
        {chan close $socket}
        {dict unset ::wibble::icc::feeds $coro}
    try {
        set coro [info coroutine]
        icc configure $coro accept readable copydone timeout
        chan configure $socket -blocking 0
        while {1} {
            # Get request from client, then formulate a response to the reqeust.
            set request [getrequest $port $socket $peerhost $peerport]
            set response [getresponse $request]

            # Get the content channel and/or size.
            set size 0
            if {[dict exists $response contentfile]} {
                set size [file size [dict get $response contentfile]]
                if {[dict get $request method] ne "HEAD"} {
                    set file [open [dict get $response contentfile]]
            } elseif {[dict exists $response contentchan]} {
                if {[dict exists $response contentsize]} {
                    set size [dict get $response contentsize]
                set file [dict get $response contentchan]
            } elseif {[dict exists $response content]} {
                dict set response content [encoding convertto iso8859-1\
                    [dict get $response content]]
                set size [string length [dict get $response content]]

            # Try to parse the Range request header if present.
            set begin 0
            set end [expr {$size - 1}]
            if {[dict exists $request header range]
             && [regexp {^bytes=(\d*)-(\d*)$} [dict get $request header range]\
                    _ begin end]
             && [dict get $response status] == 200} {
                dict set response status 206
                if {$begin eq "" || $begin >= $size} {
                    set begin 0
                if {$end eq "" || $end >= $size || $end < $begin} {
                    set end [expr {$size - 1}]

            # Add content-length and content-range response headers.
            dict set response header content-length [expr {$end - $begin + 1}]
            if {[dict get $response status] == 206} {
                dict set response header content-range "bytes $begin-$end/$size"

            # Send the response header to the client.
            chan puts $socket "HTTP/1.1 [dict get $response status]"
            foreach {key val} [dict get $response header] {
                set normalizedkey [lsearch -exact -sorted -inline -nocase {
                    Accept-Ranges Age Allow Cache-Control Connection
                    Content-Disposition Content-Encoding Content-Language
                    Content-Length Content-Location Content-MD5 Content-Range
                    Content-Type Date ETag Expires Last-Modified Location Pragma
                    Proxy-Authenticate Retry-After Server Set-Cookie Trailer
                    Transfer-Encoding Upgrade Vary Via Warning WWW-Authenticate
                } $key]
                if {$normalizedkey ne ""} {
                    set key $normalizedkey
                foreach line [split $val \n] {
                    chan puts $socket "$key: $line"
            chan puts $socket ""

            # If requested, send the response content to the client.
            if {[dict get $request method] ne "HEAD"} {
                chan configure $socket -translation binary
                if {[info exists file]} {
                    # Asynchronously send response content from a channel.
                    chan configure $file -translation binary
                    chan seek $file $begin
                    chan copy $file $socket -size [expr {$end - $begin + 1}]\
                        -command [list ::wibble::icc put $coro copydone]
                    if {[llength [set data [icc get $coro copydone]]] == 3} {
                        error [lindex $data 2]
                } elseif {[dict exists $response content]} {
                    # Send buffered response content.
                    chan puts -nonewline $socket [string range\
                        [dict get $response content] $begin $end]

            # Close the content file or channel.
            if {[info exists file]} {
                chan close $file
                unset file

            # Flush the outgoing buffer.
            catch {chan flush $socket}
            unset request
    } on error {"" options} {
        # Log errors and report them to the client, if possible.
        variable errorcount
        incr errorcount
        set message "*** INTERNAL SERVER ERROR (BEGIN #$errorcount) ***"
        if {[info exists request]} {
            foreach {key val} [dumprequest $request] {
                append message "\n$key: $val"
        } else {
            append message "\nsocket: $socket"
            append message "\npeerhost: $peerhost"
            append message "\npeerport: $peerport"
            append message "\nrawtime: [clock seconds]"
            append message "\ntime: [clock format [clock seconds]]"
        append message "\nerrorinfo: [dict get $options -errorinfo]"
        append message "\n*** INTERNAL SERVER ERROR (END #$errorcount) ***"
        log $message
        catch {
            set message [encoding convertto iso8859-1 $message]
            chan configure $socket -translation crlf
            chan puts $socket "HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error"
            chan puts $socket "Content-Type: text/plain"
            chan puts $socket "Content-Length: [string length $message]"
            chan puts $socket "Connection: close"
            chan puts $socket ""
            chan configure $socket -translation binary
            chan puts $socket $message
    } finally {
        # Always run scheduled cleanup scripts on coroutine termination.
        foreach script $cleanup {
            catch $script

# Listen for incoming connections.
proc ::wibble::listen {port} {
    socket -server [list apply {{port socket peerhost peerport} {
        coroutine $socket ::wibble::process $port $socket $peerhost $peerport
    } ::wibble} $port] $port

# Log an error.  Feel free to replace this procedure as needed.
proc ::wibble::log {message} {
    chan puts stderr $message

# =============================== example code ================================

# Demonstrate Wibble if being run directly.
if {$argv0 eq [info script]} {
    # Guess the root directory.
    set root [file normalize [file dirname [info script]]]

    # Define zone handlers.
    ::wibble::handle /vars vars
    ::wibble::handle / dirslash root $root
    ::wibble::handle / indexfile root $root indexfile index.html
    ::wibble::handle / static root $root
    ::wibble::handle / template root $root
    ::wibble::handle / script root $root
    ::wibble::handle / dirlist root $root
    ::wibble::handle / notfound

    # Start a server and enter the event loop.
    catch {
        ::wibble::listen 8080
        vwait forever

# vim: set sts=4 sw=4 tw=80 et ft=tcl:

<> Wibble