[HJG] This is an example of how to put widgets onto a canvas. It shows a schema of a neuron, which is summing up its input-signals, and 'fires' when this sum exceeds a threshold. With the sliders you can change the input and their weight. ''while this is a nice little demo, I think a better demo would be to have the widgets be children of the canvas. The point is not illustrated with this demo, but if they aren't children of the canvas they won't be clipped by the canvas, and that will be noticible in certain contexts.'' ---- #!/bin/sh # -*- mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; coding: iso-8859-1 -*- # Restart with tcl: \ exec wish $0 ${1+"$@"} # neuro1.tcl - HaJo Gurt - 2006-10-16 #: Widgets on a canvas : Sliders + Entryfields # Schema of a neuron, summing its input-signal, and firing when the sum exceeds a threshold. package require Tk array set S { x1 20 w1 1 x2 50 w2 8 \ t1 500 title "Neuronal Processing" \ s1 0 s2 0 sum 0 out 0 } proc int x { expr int($x) } proc Calc x { #: Calculate results + update display global S set S(s1) [expr {$S(x1) * $S(w1)} ] set S(s2) [expr {$S(x2) * $S(w2)} ] set S(sum) [expr {$S(s1) + $S(s2)} ] set S(out) [expr {$S(sum) >= $S(t1)} ] if { $S(out) } { .c itemconfig out -fill red } else { .c itemconfig out -fill cyan } } proc Init {} { #: Build GUI global S wm title . "Neuro1" canvas .c -relief raised -borderwidth 0 -height 400 -width 560 -bg white pack .c option add *Scale.highlightThickness 0 option add *Scale.orient vertical option add *Scale.relief ridge option add *Entry.relief sunken scale .sx1 -from 100 -to 0 -label "x1" -variable S(x1) -command Calc scale .sx2 -from 100 -to 0 -label "x2" -variable S(x2) -command Calc scale .sw1 -from 10 -to 0 -label "w1" -variable S(w1) -command Calc scale .sw2 -from 10 -to 0 -label "w2" -variable S(w2) -command Calc scale .st1 -from 0 -to 2000 -label "Threshold" -variable S(t1) -orient horizontal -command Calc entry .es1 -width 5 -textvar S(s1) -state readonly entry .es2 -width 5 -textvar S(s2) -state readonly #entry .es3 -width 5 -textvar S(sum) -state readonly scale .ss3 -from 2000 -to 0 -variable S(sum) -length 200 -sliderlength 5 -state disabled -bg green2 entry .es4 -width 3 -textvar S(out) -state readonly .c create text 280 20 -text $S(title) -font {Times 24 bold} .c create text 15 80 -text "Input 1" -anchor w .c create line 30 100 310 100 -width 5 -arrow last .c create window 50 50 -window .sx1 -anchor nw .c create window 50 200 -window .sx2 -anchor nw .c create window 240 75 -window .es1 -anchor w .c create text 15 230 -text "Input 2" -anchor w .c create window 150 50 -window .sw1 -anchor nw .c create window 150 200 -window .sw2 -anchor nw .c create line 30 250 310 250 -width 5 -arrow last .c create window 240 225 -window .es2 -anchor w .c create text 160 315 -text "Weight" -anchor w .c create window 275 320 -window .st1 -anchor nw .c create line 350 320 350 300 -width 1 -arrow last .c create oval 300 50 400 300 -width 3 -fill green2 .c create text 350 65 -text "Sum" .c create window 350 175 -window .ss3 ;# .es3 .c create line 400 175 450 175 -width 5 -arrow last .c create oval 450 125 530 225 -width 3 -tag out .c create text 490 150 -text "Output" .c create window 490 175 -window .es4 # Debug: show cursor-pos. : #bind .c {wm title . [int [%W canvasx %x]],[int [%W canvasy %y]]} } Init ---- [Category Example] - [Category Graphics] - [Category GUI]