[[4Jun2003]][PS] I intend to extend my WikiDiff service with some form of email subscriptions. I want to do this because I hardly ever use my own service, because there is just too much to read. '''Ideas''' * Daily email service, right after generation of the wikidiff page * Web based subscription form where you can register the page numbers you are interested in * When you register for a category page number, you'll be notified about any page that references that category * You can also register for new pages, of course. * Two output formats: HTML WikiDiff style, plaintext email with links to wikidiff+#anchor and to the wiki itself. So. Those are my ideas, before I start writing, I'd like to hear what other potential users would like to see. I'll code the webbased part in AOLServer on my own machine, because it'd take me too much effort to do it any other way. The email generation/page selection code will be pure Tcl accessing a (Postgresql) database. Once I am done, I would be quite happy to transfer the stuff to the mini.net server if that means additional (maybe realtime) feature can be added - I just don't see a pressing need for them right now. ---- [PT] 4-Jun-03: Actually what I'd much rather see is a diff link on each page as is done for [TWiki] [http://twiki.org/] However, I don't know that the design of this wiki would permit this. I find I always go first to the [Recent Changes] page and the examine modified pages in which I'm interested. If the change is a small change and not at the end of the file, the viewing a diff would make it much more simple to find. ---- [[ [Category Wikit] | [Category Tcler's Wiki] ]]