Version 0 of WikiRun

Updated 2003-03-31 09:32:55

After being annoyed for too long that running code snippets from the wiki involves opening an editor, my answer is WikiRun.

It loads a wiki page (page number only in this version, someone else write a regexp to get it from the page name?), finds the first range of lines between '----' characters that only has indented text and runs that.

So, just save this page as wikirun, use your editor (one last time) and:

 # wikirun 8656 

for example!

-- 31Mar2003 PS

 # Next line restarts with Tcl \
 exec tclsh "$0" ${1+"$@"}

 package require http

 set wiki

 switch $tcl_platform(platform) {
    unix {
        set sh wish
    windows {
        set sh c:\\tcl\\wish.exe
    default {
        set sh wish
 proc runScript { page data } {
    global argv
    #search the page for the first text block separated by '----'
    #with indented text only.
    #for an example. 

    set snippets [split [string map [list ---- \x80] $data] \x80]
    foreach snippet $snippets {
        if { [isScript $snippet] } {
            set fp [open $page.tcl w]
            puts $fp [string trim $snippet]
            close $fp
            puts $::sh
            if { [llength $argv] > 1 } {
                exec -- $::sh $page.tcl [lrange $argv 1 end]
            } else {
                exec -- $::sh $page.tcl

 proc isScript { text } {
    #returns 1 if a number of lines is a 'script'. 0 if not.
    foreach line [split $text \n] {
        set line [string trimright $line]
        if { [string length $line] > 0 && \
                 ![string equal [string index $line 0] " "] } {
            return 0
    return 1

 set tok [::http::geturl $wiki[lindex $argv 0]]

 switch [::http::status $tok] {
    ok {
        set data [::http::data $tok]
        ::http::cleanup $tok                 
        runScript [lindex $argv 0] $data        
    eof {
        puts stderr "Document contained no data"
    error {
        puts stderr [http::error $tok]

 ::http::cleanup $tok 

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