Source for [Windows SDX Shell Fix] ---- package provide app-wsf 1.01 # Windows Shell Fix - WSF # Modifys Windows Shell command's filenames to remove # the path and then call sdx. # # ==================================== # # See 'Windows SDX Shell Fix" on the TCL'ers Wiki at # # # sdx fails with Windows Shell Commands since the sdx.kit # doesn't like the "\"s that the Windows Shell Uses # c:\folder1\folder 2\sub folder\filename.ext # # It turns out that since windows will set the current directory # to the folder in which the file was right clicked # All that really needs to be done is to strip off the path # of the last parameter. # # Windows Shell Fix does this and then calls the SDX program. # So the scheme for Actions for a .KIT "File Type" is # Action Command # ----------------------------------------------------- # List "tclkit-win32.upx.exe" wsp.kit lsk {%1} # UnWrap "tclkit-win32.upx.exe" wsp.kit unwrap {%1} # Wrap "tclkit-win32.upx.exe" wsp.kit wrap {%1} # Update "tclkit-win32.upx.exe" wsp.kit update {%1} # # where looks something like "D:\@umark\dl\Starkit\" # # wsf: # -receives the parameters # -adjusts the last one which has the filename.ext # so that it just has filename.ext # -calls sdx passing the parameters # -provides an Exit button to Avoid the Orhan Process problem # # It also checks to make sure: # -it's running under Windows # -the last parameter is a filespec # -the file exists (gives error if not) # -that sdx.kit is in the same folder as wsf.kit # # ==================================== # By The ZipGuy email: zipguy@nonags dot com # website: # # This is released to the public Domain as is with no warranty. # Use this code completely at your own risk. # #################################################### # Change Log #+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #|Version Notes #+-----+----------+------------------------------------------------------------+ #+Ver |MM/DD/YYYY| Description #+-----+----------+------------------------------------------------------------+ #+1.00 |06/06/2003| Zipguy - First version Released #+-----+----------+------------------------------------------------------------+ #+1.01 |06/07/2003| Zipguy - Small code cleanup and change leftover old name #+ | | 'fsp' to 'wsf' in some comments and messages #+ | | procified to display exit window and exit messages for #+ | | errors... added exit messages to errors #+ | | Exit after 5 minutes in case they just close the console #+-----+----------+------------------------------------------------------------+ #+ | | #+-----+----------+------------------------------------------------------------+ # # ================================== # ========= Procs Start ============ proc dbgputs { out } { # =========================================================== # dbgputs - displays passed messages prefixed "WSF: " # if $debugmsgs is set to 1. # =========================================================== global debugmsgs if { $debugmsgs } { puts "WSF: $out" } ;# END-IF } ;# END-PROC proc showvar { a {c ""} } { # =========================================================== # showvar - Displays a variables Contents - uses dbgputs # Optional text can follow as second parameter # (default is blank) # =========================================================== upvar $a b dbgputs "Variable $a is :\[$b\] $c" } ;# END-PROC proc plist { a } { # =========================================================== # Displays a variables Contents - uses dbgputs # =========================================================== upvar $a b dbgputs "List $a Contains [llength $b] Item(s):" dbgputs "==============================" set i 0 foreach c $b { dbgputs "Item $i=\[$c\]" incr i } ;# END-FOR dbgputs "==============================" } ;# END-PROC proc exit_window { } { # =========================================================== # provide an easy way to exit application # =========================================================== button .exit -text Exit -command exit eval pack [winfo children .] -side bottom -fill both -expand 1 } ;# END-PROC proc remap_exit_window { } { # =========================================================== # Remap window . by deiconifying it to recover from sdx since # sdx does "window withdraw ." # =========================================================== after 500 wm deiconify . } ;# END-PROC proc exit_msg { } { # =========================================================== # exit_msg - Display exit message. Used after Error # =========================================================== puts " DO NOT just close this Window, Click the 'Exit' button (OR Type 'exit' in this Window, and hit Enter)" exit_window } ;# END-PROC proc fix_last_arg { } { # =========================================================== # fix_last_arg - Retrieves last arg, changing "\"s to "/"s. # Does Validation edits on that parameter. # Makes sure sdx.kit is in same folder as wsf. # Calls SDX if evertying is ok. # Provides Exit Button in Window "." for after # sdx exits. Window users may just close # console creating Zombie interpreter. # =========================================================== global argv argc argerr # get the last parameter replacing back slashes with slashes set lastparm [string map {\\ /} [lindex $argv end] ] if { [string length $lastparm] < 4 } { puts "WSF: Error - Last Parameter is Too short! $lastparm" exit_msg return } ;# END-IF # Trim Leading and Trailing brackets { } (if any) # This may no longer be necessary set lastparm [string trim $lastparm "\{\}"] # Does lastparm begin with "x:/" like a windows filespec? if {[string range $lastparm 1 2] != ":/"} { puts "\ WSF: Error - second and third charcters of the last parameter: $lastparm ^^ || <--- Should be :/ and they aren't :/ Make sure you enclosed the %1 in quotes \"%1\" in the 'Command' for 'Action': \[[lindex $argv end-1]\]" exit_msg return } ;# END-IF # Get the proper long name (Shell may uppercase everything) set lastparm [file attribute [file tail $lastparm] -longname] if { [file exists $lastparm] } { # Replace the Last Parameter with $lastparm set argv [lreplace $argv end end $lastparm] # Get full path and Name of sdx.kit - Should be in same Folder! set sdx [file join [file dirname $starkit::topdir] sdx.kit] # Is SDX there? if { [file exists $sdx] } { # Yes - all set so get ready to run sdx - # Create window with "Exit" button to stop script exit_window puts "WSF: Done....Calling sdx.kit with args: \[$argv\] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " source $sdx # Give sdx Exit Message puts "\ DO NOT just close this Window. After sdx finishes, Click the 'Exit' button (OR Type 'exit' in this Window, and hit Enter)" remap_exit_window return } else { # No - Give Error message puts "WSF: Error sdx.kit should be in the same folder as wsf.kit WSF: wsf.kit is in folder [file dirname $starkit::topdir]" exit_msg return } ;# END-IF } else { puts "WSF: File $lastparm Not Found! Exiting." exit_msg return } ;# END-IF } ;# END-PROC # ==========Procs end ============== # ================================== # ================================== # ======== Main Code Start ========= package require Tk # 0-No messages 1-Messages set debugmsgs 1 # Display the Console catch {console show} # Display the received arguments on the console in a formatted style plist argv # are we on windows? if {[string compare $tcl_platform(platform) "windows"] } { # Nope give error puts "WSF: Error Not running on Windows. WSF is for Windows. WSF: Platform is \[$tcl_platform(platform)\]." exit_msg } else { fix_last_arg # Exit after 5 minutes in case they just close the console after 300000 exit } ;# END-IF # End of wsf.tcl code # ======== Main Code Start ========= # ================================== ---- [Category TCLkit] - [Category Windows]