Once upon a time, a specific [extension] called '''shortcut.dll''' [[ref?]] served in this role [[ref to explanation of "Windows shortcut"]]. With more recent versions of [Tcl], though, the handiest approach is through [tcom], as [PT] illustrated in a [comp.lang.tcl] follow-up which he composed as "a translation of a MS demo from the MSDN scripting pages": package require tcom set oShell [tcom::ref createobject "WScript.Shell"] set sDesktop [[$oShell SpecialFolders] Item "Desktop"] set oShortcut [$oShell CreateShortcut \ [file nativename \ [file join $sDesktop "Tcl Shortcut Demo.lnk"]]] $oShortcut TargetPath [file nativename [file normalize [info script]]] $oShortcut WindowStyle 1 $oShortcut Description "Demonstrate shortcut handling with Tcl" $oShortcut Save ---- [[ [Windows shell links] ]]