I can't get this to work at all, nor can I get the examples in the current wubwikit to work. I'm guessing local.tcl is a file local to wiki being implemented, but it is no longer present and I'd like to know when and where it is sourced. I have also tried Nub, but this does not seem to work either, I uncomment things but when I start the server either the domain is unknown or it errors out, usually looking for something like defs(Hello). Do we have anything more up-to-date, or a working example of exactly how to install a domain? [Larry Smith] Direct domains allow you to write a page that processes a GET, takes a bunch of &foo=bar options, and spits out some computed response. In local.tcl: ====== namespace eval ::woo { proc /woo {r args} { return [Http Ok $r [

"Woo! [armour $args]"]] } proc / {r args} { return [Http Ok $r [

"You said [armour $args]"]] } } ====== in site.config: ====== # define the /woo URL prefix /woo { domain Direct ;# prefix handled as a Direct domain namespace ::woo ;# Direct should look in ::woo namespace for functions } ====== results: ====== http://localhost:8080/woo/?moop=1 ==> You said moop 1 http://localhost:8080/woo/woo?moop=1 ==> Woo! moop 1 http://localhost:8080/woo/woo?foo=bar&woo=woo ==> Woo! foo bar woo woo http://localhost:8080/woo/woo?foo=bar&woo=woo&foo=baz ==> Woo! foo bar foo,1 baz woo woo http://localhost:8080/woo/woo?fnurgle ==> Woo! fnurgle {} ====== ---- '''[ATK] - 2015-08-29 07:07:09''' You can add a nub redirect in site.config from your domain root to /woo url prefix # add domain root redirect to /woo / { redirect /woo/ } When this is redirected to /woo URL prefix, your /woo config in site.config will come to play. Furthermore, local.tcl is sourced in ${WubHome}/Wub/Site.tcl <>Wub