This is a page dedicated to step by step instructions for installing, using, and configuring the [Wub] web server. Much of this is already documented [] but it doesn't hurt to restate it. **1. Install Tcl 8.6** Wub depends on features only available in Tcl 8.6. One option is to install ActiveTcl 8.6 on your platform. ***Install ActiveTcl 8.6 on Linux (32 bit)*** The urls may change, but the game remains the same: download ActiveTcl 8.6, decompress it, run the install script, update teacup, and use teacup to get all the ActiveTcl goodies. ====== wget tar -zxvf ActiveTcl8.6.0.0b2.291226-linux-ix86-threaded.tar.gz cd ActiveTcl8.6.0.0b2.291226-linux-ix86-threaded ./ cd /opt/ActiveTcl-8.6/bin ./teacup update-self ./teacup update ====== **2. Install Wub** Since Wub is under active development, it is highly recommended that you download the latest source from You'll need a subversion version control client to do this. On debian / ubuntu, you can install subversion via apt-get: ====== sudo apt-get install subversion ====== Then download wub: ====== svn checkout wub ====== *** Alternative for the svn-challenged: *** Download into a clean directory, then run it under tclsh 8.6. Install is a [single command http fetcher] using coroutines to politely fetch Wub from googlecode into that directory. <> Internet | Tutorial | WebServer