***Filter status messages*** [Christian Rapp] 08/17/2010: I was very annoyed by all the status messages coming from our ijchain bot when connected to #tcl via irc. As you can't just ignore ijchain, I've written a very simple TCL script, that filters all channel action events. ====== #!/usr/bin/env tclsh set script ijchainIgnoreStatus.tcl set ver 0.1 print "*** \0038,2 $script v$ver loaded \003" on XC_CHANACTION checkStatus { if {[string match -nocase *ijchain* $_raw] && [string match -nocase "*has become available*" $_raw] || [string match -nocase "*has left*" $_raw]} { complete EAT_ALL } } ====== Feel free to use this code. More informations about the xchat TCL plugin can be found http://www.scriptkitties.com/tclplugin/%|%here%|% ---- [[ [Category Internet] | [Category Application] ]]