Version 0 of XML Graph to canvas

Updated 2003-03-25 18:27:54

Richard Suchenwirth 2003-03-25 - In this evening fun project, I played with Tcldot which produces code for rendering a directed graph on a canvas. To make it match work requirements, I decided to represent graphs in XML and control the graph buildup from the tdom expat parser.

 package require tdom
 package require Tcldot

 set sample {
     <node id="1" label="H" />
     <node id="2" label="a" />
     <node id="3" label="m" />
     <node id="4" label="r" />
     <node id="5" label="n" />
     <node id="6" label="b" />
     <node id="7" label="u" />
     <node id="8" label="r" />
     <node id="9" label="g" />
     <edge from="1" to="2" best="1" />
     <edge from="2" to="3" best="1" />
     <edge from="3" to="6" best="1" />
     <edge from="6" to="7" best="1" />
     <edge from="7" to="8" best="1" />
     <edge from="8" to="9" best="1" />
     <edge from="2" to="4" />
     <edge from="4" to="5" />
     <edge from="5" to="6" />
 set c [canvas .c]
 pack $c -fill both -expand 1

 set g [dotnew digraph rankdir LR]
 $g setnodeattribute style filled color white shape box

 proc start {name atts} {
    global g ;# graph
    array set a {best 0}
    array set a $atts
    switch -- $name {
        node {
            set  ::n$a(id) [$g addnode $a(id) label ($a(id))\n$a(label)]
        edge {
            set cmd [list [set ::n$a(from)] addedge [set ::n$a(to)]]
            if $a(best) {lappend cmd style bold}
            eval $cmd

 set parser [expat -elementstartcommand start]
 $parser parse $sample

 $g layout

 eval [$g render]
 bind . <Escape> {exec wish $argv0 &; exit}

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